Taiwan becomes first Asian to legalise same-sex marriage

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Taiwan has legalised same-sex marriage. It is the first Asian, country with the passage of legislation giving gay couples the right to marry.


Lawmakers on Friday comfortably passed part of a bill that would allow gay couples to enter into “exclusive permanent unions” and apply for marriage registration with government agencies.

Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, who had campaigned on a platform of marriage equality, had tweeted after the vote saying “We took a big step towards true equality, and made Taiwan a better country.”

Thousands of gay rights supporters gathered in heavy rain outside parliament in the capital, Taipei, to watch a live broadcast of the proceedings. Supporters shouted “First in Asia!” after the article was passed .

This government’s bill, is the only one to offer some adoption rights to same-sex couples, allowing spouses to adopt the biological children of their partner. Same-sex couples cannot co-adopt. Lawmakers were still debating adoption rights on Friday.

Taiwan, whose annual gay pride parade is the largest in the region, has long been a hub for LGBT activism.

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