India to become a global hub in education Policy

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Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Thursday, 1st August 2019, said that the new National Education Policy will make India a global educational hub.


While attending book release of ‘The Dynamics of Indian Education”  authored by V S Rajput the Vice President called for a holistic and value-based education that will lay strong foundations for the vibrant economy that India is emerging as.

While speaking on the challenges faced by the Indian education system he said, these to be the critical times for the country and needs for having a fresh look at the education system.

He said to have been consistently advocating the need for revamping the education system to not only make our universities world class, but to make India a knowledge hub.

Naidu said that he is glad that the draft of the new Education Policy makes several out of the box suggestions that have the potential to turn India into a global education hub.

He urged the public to give their views and suggestions on the draft NEP by the stipulated time of August 15.

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