India at the forefront in Climate Change dialogue at the global stage

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The Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Prakash Javadekar will be attending ministerial conference of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa) and BASIC countries in Sao Paulo, Brazil.


Before leaving for Brazil, Javadekar said that India under the leadership of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, is no more a backbencher but is at the forefront of environmental dialogue in the international arena.

“When I went to Paris people were suspicious whether BASIC will remain intact or not.

But we remained not only intact but a force to reckon with in final negotiations, this time also we will review the status after Paris and what is the stand, we need to take in UN session as well as next stop in Chile”, said the Environment Minister

BASIC countries are bloc (geopolitical alliance) of four large newly industrialised countries – Brazil, South Africa, India, and China.

Javadekar stressed that the responsibilities that have been undertaken under the Paris Agreement, are getting executed well and it is expected that the world especially the developed countries will also full fill their commitments towards developing countries in terms of financial and technical assistance.

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