Japan makes Medal for Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games from 80, 000 tons of recycled Electronic Devices.

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More than 6 million cell phones and other electronic gadgets have been used to make around 5000 medal for 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympics. The design of the Olympic medals 2020 has been made by Junichi Kawanishi


The Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics has something new to display. Medals for this grand event are being made by recycling 80,000 tons of cell phones and other electronics.

More than 6 million cell phones have been used in this project. This project was started in April 2017 by Tokyo Olympics Organising Committee.

They collected all old electronic gadgets in a time span of 2 years and have extracted  32 kilograms of gold, 3,500 kilograms of silver, and 2,200 kilograms of bronze (copper and zinc in this case)

During the recycling process, in the first stage, the parts of the gadgets were dismantled and sorted.

Then smelting and refining took place until they turned into useable metals. Out of the extracted metal, they can make approximately 5000 medals for the Olympic and Paralympic games.

This initiative has ranked Japan among the five countries that are known for innovation.

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