Over Rs 47,000 Crore released by Centre to increase green cover in states

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In a major step towards increasing afforestation in the country, Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change Prakash Javadekar has handed over forty seven thousand crore rupees from Compensatory Afforestation Fund to various states


While briefing to media in New Delhi, Javadekar have appealed to all the states that the budget for afforestation must be increased as this is the investment for future. He said that the funds will be utilised as per the provisions of the Compensatory Afforestation Fund (CAF) Act and rules. 

The Minister have said that the fund will be utilised for the compensatory afforestation, catchment area treatment, wildlife management, natural regeneration, forest fire prevention, improvement of soil, moisture conservation, improvement of wildlife habitat.

He have further said that monitoring of the implementation of the efforts pertaining to afforestation will be done with the help of the technology like geo- tagging and video shooting. 

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