New Village Notification In Mon District of Nagaland

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For recognition of a new village to be known as AMANHONG VILLAGE


Deputy Commissioner of Mon district, Thavaseelan K, in a public notice issued on 16th October 2019 for recognition of a new village to be known as AMANHONG VILLAGE under Mon Sadar in  Mon District measuring an area of 7426521.723 sq metres with the following boundaries; North – Nakang, South- Mokyang Nallah, East- Gamjong and West-Shamzu.

Further, DC has notified for information to all concerned individuals/groups/village that any claims and objections against the recognition of AMANHONG VILLAGE should be submitted to DC office in written within 30 days from the date of issue of the notice.

If no objection is received in written within the stipulated time, it will be assumed that there is no complaint whatsoever in connection to the above proposal and the matter shall be forwarded to the Government for further necessary action.

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