Four Days Festival of Pineapple and Summer Fruits Kicks Off

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Minister Shyamkumar Assures Cold Storage at Sangaithel


IMPHAL, JUNE 19, 2019 (DIPR): Horticulture and Soil Conservation Minister Shri Thounaojam Shyamkumar today gave assurance to set up a cold storage at Sangaithel area in consultation with the local MLA to benefit the pineapple and fruit farmers.

He was speaking as the chief guest at the inaugural function of the four days ‘Festival of Pineapple and Summer Fruits’ which is being held from June 19-22 at Sangaithel Park, Lamsang Assembly Constituency, Imphal West. The objective of the festival is to promote pineapple and fruit farming in the surrounding areas of Sangaithel Park, apart from conserving the environment.

The festival is being jointly organised by the District Administration, Imphal West and Sangaithel Park Management Committee in collaboration with ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Manipur Centre; Central Agricultural University (CAU); departments of Horticulture and Soil Conservation; Planning; Agriculture and Commerce and Industries.

Minister Th. Shyamkumar further said that he will take up the matter in the Cabinet to organise pineapple festival at one time with more funding, he opined that it will help in better organisation of the festival and give due advantage to the farmers. He appealed the people of the State to adopt a healthy lifestyle and consume organic seasonal fruits grown in the State rather than consuming exported products.

He hoped that the festival held at Sangaithel Park will give a platform to find a market for the pineapple and fruit farmers of the area. Regarding finding a market place for State produces, he said that Manipur Organic Mission Agency (MOMA) under the aegis of Horticulture and Soil Conservation Department was able to airlift home grown pineapples to New Delhi, apart from selling home grown black aromatic rice (chakhao) and ginger to other states.

Stating that the department is always ready to help the farmers of the State, he appealed to the farmers of the area to register themselves with the Horticulture and Soil Conservation Department to timely avail the benefits of various schemes. Informing that the department through advertisements have been giving awareness to the farmers of the State for registration, he urged the people of the State to help in spreading awareness.

During the 4 days long festival, the pineapple grown in the surrounding villages of Sangaithel Park like Sangaithel village, Longa Koireng, Thangjing Chiru, Khoken among others will be sold and promoted. The area has a total population of 1,232 people out of which 130 people are engaged in pineapple farming producing around 4,510 tonnes. Summer fruits including pineapples grown in the area will be sold at 17 stalls at the Sangaithel Park apart from various programmes during the festival.

The inaugural function of the festival was also attended by Shri Sorokhaibam Rajen Singh, MLA Lamsang AC and Deputy Chairman State Planning Board; Shri Oinam Lukhoi Singh, MLA Wangoi AC and Vice Chairman, MIDA; Dr. Sapam Ranjan Singh, MLA Konthoujam AC and Chairman TCM; Shri Heikham Dingo, MLA Sekmai AC; Shri Ksh. Biren Singh, MLA Lamlai AC; Smt. Pramo Devi, Member, Zila Parishad, Awangkhunou; Smt. L. Boby Devi, Member, Zila Parishad, Khonghampat; Shri Y. Muhindro Singh, Pradhan, Khonghampat; officials of the District Administration, Imphal West including Shri N. Praveen Singh, DC, Imphal West; officials of CAU, ICAR, Horticulture and Soil Conservation, Agriculture, Planning, Commerce and Industries departments. (DIPR)

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