He also informed that a master plan is being developed by the institution which will be a game changer

Prof. A. Santa Singh, Director of Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal inaugurated CRYOSTAT (Frozen Section) and AUTOMATIC IHC STAINER (Ventana) at the Department of Pathology, RIMS, Imphal today.

The Director stated that the CRYOSTAT machine will immensely help surgeons during oncosurgery (Cancer Surgery). This machine will enable us to give intraoperative reports for clearance of cancer margin within a few minutes. Also, it will help the Nephrology and Dermatology Department for Immuno fluorescence study during the full workup of the patients.
The VENTANA Automatic Immuno Histo Chemistry (IHC) Stainer is a state of art instrument at par with the highest oncology centres of our country for molecular diagnosis of cancer. This instrument has to stand dardised Immuno Histo Chemistry as compared to manual methods being used at present. Immuno Histo Chemistry (IHC) will help in the diagnosis and subtyping of many malignancies.

Speaking to KRC Times, Director Prof. A. Santa Singh explained how the institution is going through a transformation process in terms of infrastructure development and today is another day where a milestone is achieved by his institution. He also informed that a master plan is being developed by the institution which will be a game changer.
Highlighting that the fight against Covid was a tough one but could be managed through multiple strategies. Prof. Santa also stated that all the forecasts made by RIMS had come true and equally there is a need for preparation for the future course to mitigate any such pandemics.
It is heartening to see that social distancing is followed in the chamber of the Director, RIMS Imphal.
The faculties and staff were appreciative of the initiative taken by Prof. A. Santa Singh under whose leadership the institution has grown and more such initiatives are required.
The equipment was procured under the DIAMONDS project (under NCDIR- ICMR). The institute is providing a free molecular test for Breast and Lungs Cancer. The test will immensely help in cancer care for targeted therapy. The project will also be expanded by adding molecular testing of two more cancers namely Colorectal Cancer and Endometrial Carcinoma very shortly.
During the inaugural function Prof. N. Sanjib Singh, Medical Superintendent, RIMS, Hospital, Prof. Sushma Kh, Head Department of Pathology, RIMS, Imphal and other faculty members were present.
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