4 - minutes read |

1 Supreme Court gives four weeks time to Assam innerline Permit/centre to submit affidavit
2 Gujarat bridge accident: Morbi Municipalty CEO suspended
3 Blockade: Stoppage of Mizoram Goods Transport in Virangiti


NEWS 1-The Supreme Court gave four weeks time to seek the Centre’s opinion on the innerline permit case in Assam.Today a division bench issued the order and asked the central government to submit its affidavit in this regard to the court. The case was filed by the Assam Nationalist Students Youth Conflict Association.

The hearing of the case was closed for two years due to the Covid situation. Assam approached the court demanding introduction of innerline permits across Assam

Incidentally, in the North East, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh & Manipur has introduced inline permits.

NEWS 2-Gujarat bridge accident: Morbi Municipalty CEO suspended. The CEO of the city’s municipality has been sacked after a preliminary inquiry into the bridge accident in Gujarat. 149 people died in this terrible accident. This incident took place due to the sudden collapse of the bridge. Police have so far arrested nine people in this case.

NEWS 3- Pollution in the city of Delhi is so bad that state schools up to class 5 have to be closed. The Delhi government issued an order, ordering closure of all schools up to class V. However, schools will remain open for Higher class. This measure has been taken so that there is no harm to the small kids due to pollution. The government will take some more stringent measures to control pollution stated officials from the Delhi government.

NEWS 4- Indefinite blockade on Silchar-Aizawl National Highway No. 306 in Mizoram on the call of Land Owners Association. Even though vehicles from outside the state are allowed to unload goods in Mizoram, no vehicles from Assam enter Mizoram. No other lorry is allowed to come.

On the call of the Land Honor Association, a blockade was set up on Silchar Aizawl National Highway No. 306 at Vairengti IOC in Mizoram from 6 am on Thursday. Hundreds of picketers stood on the national highway with different kinds of placards and chanted slogans. Mizoram government and NH have been in conflict for the past few days on the issue of compensation for the construction of four lane road.

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Land Owner Association claims that they are suffering due to the increase in road width. The government is not giving them proper compensation. Since several meetings have already been held at the administrative level regarding the issue, as there is no solution, the blockade has been set up on the Silchar Aizawl National Highway No. 306 for an indefinite period. Officials of the Land Owner Association said they will continue the blockade until the demands are met.

NEWS 5- Video recording in the police station is no longer a crime.The Bombay High Court has expressed this view in a judgment. The court held that video recording inside the police station did not violate the Government Privacy Act. Bombay High Court Justice Manish said in his ruling that recording can be done inside the police station. It is not unfair. This judgment is very important in view of some recent developments. Police generally object to video recording in police stations.

NEWS 6- The body of a young man was found hanging from a bridge in Silchar Meherpur Panchghari on Friday morning. According to the details recieved of the incident, Sonair Bauri Kandi Part 2 Ahmedul Hasan Lashkar, a 26-year-old youth lived in a rented house with his mother in Silchar Panch Ghari. From there he worked as a pipe fitter. Locals found the person hanging around 5 am today.

Later police came and recovered the dead body and sent it to Silchar Medical College for autopsy. The mother of the deceased told the media that on Wednesday night they slept together after dinner. She got up at 4 o’clock and saw that Ahmedul was not in bed. After searching for a long time, she could not find her son, but she was devastated when she heard that her son was hanging from the bridge.



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