Who is Mightier
Who is Mightier
A pen and a sword, both have their might,
Their roles to play, in every different light,
One for the battles, one for the thoughts,
But which is stronger, have you ever sought…
The sword is swift, it conquers cutting all,
Fights for the honor, and never it falls,
It brings down armies, destroys walls,
And makes the bravest warriors bawl..
But the pen is powerful, in a different way,
It conquers hearts, and has its say,
To inspire, to comfort, to pave the way,
To reach out to those, who’ve lost their way…
The pen can move mountains, with its words,
It conquers fear, and it conquers the worlds.
The sword can bring violence and even wars,
But the pen can reach you, even on Mars…
So which is mightier, a pen or a sword,
It’s a question, that we’ve often ignored,
But it’s clear to see, from the battles we’ve fought,
A pen has the power to change, with beautiful thought..