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Donating the Red Cells

Jay Sur

Donating the Red Cells

On ‘World Blood Donor Day’, we celebrate,
The heroes who selflessly crave to donate,
Their glistening blood saves a life or two,
Their kindness shines like morning dew…

Courage and compassion in their heart,
They give a gift that sets them apart,
Their blood flows like a river of hope,
Saving those who struggle to cope…

In every drop, they give a piece of their heart,
To heal the sick and make the ailing smart,
Their generosity always amply found,
As they spread love and joy all around…

Let’s honor these heroes, whose deeds inspire,
And celebrate their spirit, with great desire,
For they are the light in the darkest hour,
With their blood, they wield the greatest power…

So let’s all step up and lend the hand,
To transform our society with a red wand,
For together we can make a super change,
And create a world, free of pain and strange..

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