The Borlangpher DCRF and the Dhansiri Reserve Forests of Karbi Anglong under the Karbi Anglong West Forest Division are witnessing never before upsurge in illegal harvesting of its natural growth forests.““The Reserve Forests total over 800 square kilometers and nobody in the authority is keen enough to prevent this sponsored outrage against nature in these times of climate change and emergency
The Borlangpher DCRF and the Dhansiri Reserve Forests of Karbi Anglong under the Karbi Anglong West Forest Division are witnessing never before upsurge in illegal harvesting of its natural growth forests.““The Reserve Forests total over 800 square kilometers and nobody in the authority is keen enough to prevent this sponsored outrage against nature in these times of climate change and emergency.
These two reserves have boundaries with the Dima Hasao autonomous region and the Nagaland State, and the elements are very active carting across the timbers of evergreen jungles to these territories.
The majority is giving birth to a thriving local black economy as the resources are getting out of hand from the poorer sections of the people. The motor chain saws numbering over hundreds are active every day, taking little time to divest a huge plot of forested patches.
Meanwhile, the overharvesting of the sand from the rivers has already caused an incalculable damage to the river hydrology.
The madness for collecting revenue out of a limited capability of ecosystem services is questionable. Based on ‘questionable’ geological reports, these are pushing ahead.
In the meantime, the OIL’s exploratory drilling phase is being pushed into jeopardy. A claim for compensation for non existing villages within the Dhansiri Reserve Forest has forced the partners in the operation to pull out of the endeavor.““ ““With the penetration of non executive functionaries deep into the forest department, the chance of recovery seems indeed slim as the days go by.