KRC brings Writing Star Competition to Sarala Birla Gyan Jyoti School, Guwahati

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KRC Writing Star Competition, a pan-India writing
competition which is being organised by KRC Foundation, attracted immense
interest and response from the students at Sarala Birla Gyan Jyoti School


Guwahati, 25 April, 2019: KRC Writing Star Competition, a pan-India writing competition which is being organised by KRC Foundation, attracted immense interest and response from the students at Sarala Birla Gyan Jyoti School, Guwahati

Students of grades six to nine, numbering around four hundred interacted with KRC representative to understand the contest methodology. A few students won prizes for on the spot quiz conducted at the gathering. The key objective of the contest is to develop and encourage the writing skills among students and youths.

A student receiving a KRC prize for winning on the spot quiz.

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