The first Pythian E-sports Tournament kick-started at Dimapur

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The event was led by Dr. David Keneingutuo Sorunuo and the winners were given prize money and medals


The first Pythian E-sports Tournament was hosted by the Nagaland Pythian Council at the auditorium of Immanuel College, Dimapur on Saturday where ten teams consisting of five players participated in the tournament to play the Mobile Legend.

The event was led by Dr. David Keneingutuo Sorunuo and the winners were given prize money and medals. The winning team lifted the Trophy.

The Principal of Immanuel College, Dimapur Th. Sharatchandra Singh welcomed the guests and participants.

A message from the Founder of Modern Pythian Games Bijender Goel was read out by NE Pythian Council member Dr. Meyiesielie Albert Sorunuo. 

Deputy Secretary, of the International Pythian Council, Biswadeep Gupta highlighted the background, mission and operations of the Modern Pythian Council and said that ‘peace’ is something we aspire to in the NE region and the Pythian movement of Art, Culture and Indigenous Games can bring people closer and make the untold and unheard ways of life globally known. 

He further informed that as he is entrusted to spread the movement in the NE region, the immediate aim is to create Pythian District Councils across NE India with like-minded people.

Biswadeep also said that this Pythian E-sports Tournament started here in Dimapur will be taken across the NE region under the leadership of Dr. David where he will personally facilitate such events in future.

Dr. Rahul Banerjee, visiting Prof. LMU, Hilton Centre of Business, LA & Stanford CA, USA who was the Special Guest gave a historical perspective of Pythian Games from the land of Greece. He further articulated how entrepreneurship is the need of the hour and many brands from Nagaland and NE have done well in the global arena.

Tenyebinlo Himb, Press Secretary to MP Rajya Sabha of Nagaland, who was the Guest of Honour inspired the students with his life story and said that nobody talks about their failures but only say about successes but life is about learning from failures rather than knowing only the success story.

The youth leader also advised the participants that the prize money they would win would be able to solve some of their problems and equally warned against being addicted to mobiles etc.

The prize distribution ceremony was attended by Michael Kath, General Secretary of Dimapur Naga Students’ Union and he has extended his support to students for any assistance they may require in future. He also congratulated the Nagaland Pythian Council for organising the 1st Pythian E-sports Tournament in Dimapur.

The 1st prize was wonderful by Team Divine with a cash Prize of   15,000/- and medal and lifted the running trophy.

2nd prize was awarded to Team Good student with a cash prize of 10,000/- and a medal

3rd prize was won by Team Nico Nico Nii for a cash prize 5,000/- and a medal.

Exclusive awards were given for:

Strategist: 5,000/- won by team  Doto

Kill/assist : 5,000/- won by Imti Sunep

Team Play: 5,000/- won by Team Divine

The tournament was judged by the judges, Augustine Lalmingthang Hmar, Wanyelo Semp, Moalong

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