Celebrations can be done in SILENCE…

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Why don’t we listen to our brains and put a stop to our hearts this time for all these festivities?

Mayanglambam Merina

Only a few days left for Durga Puja, the vivid memories came rushing in our hearts. Yes, it used to be considered as one of the longest holidays in our school days.  Making Puja Pandals with colourful papers, again cut with scissors making designs for the walls. We use to make Durga Maa’s idol combining with straw and mud or at times substitute with a framed picture. Lighting up candles and bursting crackers gave us a privilege for helping Maa Durga kill those demons. These simplest yet beautiful thoughts were engraved in all our mind and soul up till date.

After Durga Puja, Manipur will again have another celebration for Ningol Chakouba on November second week in Manipur. It is believed to be one of hers’ biggest festival for all the Ningols’   ( married women) who eagerly await every year to flaunt her best jewellery sets, visiting her maternal homes and later for a lavish lunch with her parents and siblings. Curries and dishes either prepared by brothers or even cooked by the expert cooks (Bamon eigya).

But are we going for the festive occasion at this period would be my question to you all? I know things are not that easy, we get bugged up sitting, sleeping, eating and gaining weight. Lucky for those who have a close garden or near the hills at this Covid elasticity period.

But controlling our acts and our sudden whims and fancies for a short gratification would cost a precious life of ours.

How many of us want a silent Durga Puja? How many of us want a Silent Ningol-Chakouba? Eid was celebrated calmly in a small way. Cases shooting up like a rising stock market daily with positive cases of covid19. It was just three days back 301 new cases got registered in Manipur. The hidden train of spreading like a wildfire is already there but why people still fail to understand simple three steps of SOP?

The tradition and customary laws still bind all in one. The year 2020 became a boon for mother earth and disaster to the human race.

Schools are opening! Are we ready for it? At the cost of their innocent lives? Festive occasions are on its way but for whom? The underlining thoughts ‘ survival of fittest’ now lies within us. The question of living this life would only become meaningful if one takes full charge of ones own family and oneself by following the three simplest steps.

Let’s not forget for those three simple steps which need to be followed religiously at all cost.

Why don’t we listen to our brains and put a stop to our hearts this time for all these festivities?

Festivals will come and go but not our lives. This simple thought needs to be hardly stamped on all our heads. We all should be responsible for whatever action we do. Blaming the system, blaming the health workers won’t serve the purpose. The message is straight IF YOU WANT TO LIVE, THEN STOP CELEBRATING.

Celebrations can be done in silence after all. Jaan Hey to Jahan Hey.

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