A set of proposals was adopted at the end of the discussion & it was also resolved to forward the same to the Government by the Chairman & Convenor of this discussion programme

The devastation caused by the recent flood in Silchar has left an indelible mark of misery on the mind of the city dwellers along with the people of the surroundings of the city. In view of having an in-depth analysis and study of the recent disaster, Assam University in association with the district disaster management authority organized a day-long discussion entitled “Urban Deluge”.
The inaugural programme was presided over by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. RM Pant, and distinguished guest, NIT Silchar, Prof. Rajat Gupta, Prof. Ashim Kanti Dey were also present.

Prof. Parthankar Choudhury, chairman of the discussion Programme explained the need for introspection and brainstorming involving Academians, researchers and administration to arrive at a possible solution and to devise strategies to effectively manage and prevent similar disasters in future. He also informed that the outcome of this discussion and adopted suggestions shall be placed to concerned govt agencies. The next phase of the programme was the technical session and was chaired by Professor Rajat Gupta NIT Silchar.
Personalities from various backgrounds including Academia, Engineers, Administrators, persons from DDMA, Pollution Control Boards, Town and Country Planning, and Social Activists presented their research-based studies on the recent flood.
Various issues like unplanned urbanization encroaching on traditional natural reservoirs & catchment areas, shrinkage of draining channels along with functional abilities of different sluice gates were discussed during the discussion.
An interactive session chaired by Lalsinu was followed by a Technical session. It was attended by academicians, Representatives of Government Departments, Research Scholars & social activists.
A set of proposals was adopted at the end of the discussion & it was also resolved to forward the same to the Government by the Chairman & Convenor of this discussion programme.
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