PIB Imphal hosts webinar on Patel

The legacy of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel must be remembered and cherished by each generation of Indians if we are to maintain and safeguard the unity of India. These views were expressed at the Webinar organized by Press Information Bureau and Regional Outreach Bureau, Imphal today.
In his welcome address, Additional Director General (Region), S N Pradhan said that Sardar Patel was one of the tallest leaders of modern India. He said that Sardar can figure prominently in any global list of the nation builders of the 19th and 20th century. He said that the occasion of his birth anniversary gives us an opportunity to refresh our memories of his values and ideas. He asked the media to highlight the lives and times of the founding fathers so that our children also learn the lessons in dedication to motherland and service to the poorest people.

In her speech on the occasion, Dr. Nunglekpam Premi Devi pointed out various aspects of the legacy of Patel and said that apart from his well-documented and well-known role as a freedom fighter, Patel worked extensively for social reforms – against alcoholism, untouchability, caste discrimination, recognition and payment of teachers employed in schools and for the empowerment of women. He was elected as Ahmadabad’s municipal president in 1922, 1924, and 1927, in which he personally undertook efforts for improvement in city’s infrastructure, increase electricity supply, the extension of drainage and sanitation system throughout the city, she said. He established refugee centers across the district, mobilized volunteers, and arranged for supplies of food, medicines, and clothing, as well as emergency funds from the government and the public. We must understand the dedication of the leader towards all round development and infrastructure building.
Pramod Ningombam, a Senior Journalist, pointed out that as India marches proudly towards self-reliance and is now one of the largest economies of the world, every Indian must acknowledge with gratitude the invaluable contribution of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in building a modern and unified India. We need to aim for higher co-operation and unity among all the various cultures and states of our nation – a goal that the Iron Man of India fought so hard for, he added.
Abhishek Dayal, Director, PIB Imphal said that the celebration of Sardar Patel’s anniversary is always an occasion to revisit the freedom movement and to understand the dangers that lurk behind in shadows for our nation if we get complacent.
He urged the media to use this opportunity to engage the youth of the nation in debating the ideas and ideals that are foundational concepts of our society.
Over 25 officials of the Press Information Bureau and Regional Outreach Bureau, scholars and media persons attended the webinar.