The Chief Minister is trying to send a message to his people how important it is for mankind to protect oneself from the virus

Manipur today received the first batch of vaccine ‘Covishield’ from Serum Institute of India through the Government of India. Manipur Chief Minister along with other Ministers and high officials was there at the Imphal airport to receive the first consignment. The euphoria, the hope across the country is flying high.
Photographs shared through the social media handles across the country are coming out with Adar Poonawalla sharing the first shipment dispatch from Serum Institute of India and terming it the ’emotional moment’ is also reflective of India’s high hope and expectations from the vaccine.

One photograph that caught the eye is that of Manipur Chief Minister pulling the trolley ferrying the vaccine consignment at the Imphal airport along with others. Many may say the photograph was a photo Op opportunity, well who does not take opportunities now a days when ‘selfie’ has become a global obsession. But if we observe, the message was very clear, it reflects a gesture of public leader which is emotive, humble, grounded, impulsive without any ego or protocol (people’s CM is the buzz word in Manipur) and caring. Touche’.
The Chief Minister is trying to send a message to his people how important it is for mankind to protect oneself from the virus.
Vaccination is important. The virus is for real. Pandemic has not ended. The vaccines are in limited supply, would be rationally available as par protocol and priority. Prime Minister has already communicated that political representatives are not going to be in the priority list. It also may mean that you just cannot jump the queue.
So the ‘Photo of the Day’ would definitely be today’s gesture by N. Biren Singh and rightly so as misinformation, fear, concern and doubts are running high.
Science has delivered. Any anti-vaccination theory will not work. India by and large has shown maturity in many areas in a time of crisis. India and Indian’s advantages are spirituality, pains & sufferings, population, scientific temper, faith system (particularly on ‘any’ God) and age-old civilisation as a whole, makes us stand strong.
It is the time for leadership, courage, faith, a high standard of discipline by the citizen, delivery by the stakeholders and transparency by the administration. The political class, for the time being, may go on a ‘united mode’ at least on fighting the pandemic…