The inaugural ceremony was a festival in itself. The body language being tall yet humble, the sign of relief in the masked faces that the worst is behind now

United States America had its 59th inaugural ceremony to induct the 46th US President and 49th Vice President. Today democracy has once again won, stood tall and the longest democracy in the world showcased its tradition by celebrating the President and the Presidency which is ultimately the celebration of Democracy
244 years of democracy, the United States of America has lots of reason to boast of its leadership and today history is made with Kamala Devi Harris being sworn in as the 1st Women Vice President in the history of America. It is indeed a hopeful day to usher in a political leadership completely in contrast to its predecessor.
The inaugural ceremony was a festival in itself. The body language being tall yet humble, the sign of relief in the masked faces that the worst is behind now.
Joe Biden in his inaugural speech echoed, that there is much to repair, much to do, much to gain. His advice, ‘democracy is precious’. I will be the President of All Americans, all Americans, assured Joe! We all want God to Bless America…