Climate action is everyone’s goal for the next decades

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We have no other choice but to take the hard road and abide by the law of nature if not the law of the land

Biswadeep Gupta

We have been talking about climate change for too long and it is almost becoming a phrase we use most commonly. But now with the experience of Covid-19 and the pandemic learnings, we need to act on climate change on a daily basis.

Green deeds and green actions are going to be the vaccine for the civilisation and we need a long term action. Climate change reversal will not happen in a day as the brakes have already failed and it will take decades to have any significant impact. This was visible in the recent global lockdown. The environment was much cleaner but the global impact on climate very insignificant. Thus we need to look into environmental impact in a long term i.e. in terms of decades and act on a daily basis.

Industrialisation with pollution control, clean energy, carbon emissions, ecological balance, population control and educating the populace on the impact of climate change is to be done on a war footing scale.

We have no other choice but to take the hard road and abide by the law of nature if not the law of the land.

The movement should be people-driven and not policy-driven. The goal is not for a country to achieve but the planet as a whole to reshape the world it destroyed over the last few generations.

A sustainable world is much better than a robotic generation driven by AI and automation. Let us be natural, the word ‘Artificial Intelligence‘ itself sound dichotomic. What will I do with so much of technology, if the planet itself does not exist for my next generations…

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