Democracy is enjoyed by people when it suits them but these incidents around the world also reflect that we the people do not adhere to democratic values

The violent protest at Capitol Hill at Washington DC by a few groups supporting Donald Trump who as a President of the oldest Democracy behaved like a ‘spoilt millennial’ incapable of accepting defeat and making his own nation a laughing stock in front of the world. A world which looks upon the United States of America as a symbol of the leading nation lost its sheen under the leadership of Trump.
It is heartening to know that Donal Trump has acceded his defeat grumpily and is promising a smooth transition of power with the threat that he will be back again in 2024 to make America great again. The damage is already done and the destructor is promising to repair it. A classic shameless political statement!
The head bowed in shame looking into the scenes of the Capitol Hill of Washington DC where the most civilised world behaves in a most violent manner resulting into deaths, chaos and destruction. For what and for whom, many say that it is their patriotic duty, a duty for the most disgraceful President, who for his own personal agenda managed a pandemic the worst manner possible, killing millions.
Maniacs are born in each country, but it is unfair to give the leadership into such characters. This also shows that the world order has to evolve much faster and democratic values need stronger footings. To establish democratic systems, more discussions, engagements and education is required on a continuous basis.
Democracy is enjoyed by people when it suits them but these incidents around the world also reflect that we the people do not adhere to democratic values. The freedom enjoyed in a democratic environment does not mean we take the law into our hands, say whatever we want to say and get incited by a leader whatever they want us to believe. Democracy is much above freedom and it will need strong commitment as a human race to abide by the civilised boundaries.
World leaders have reacted against the arson and incitement. The leaders though have to also understand that to become a stateman it takes courage to hold on to your values and short term goals make you go down the history as the man who destroyed the world. Democracy does not accept oneupmanship. We the people matter more and the leader is just a torch bearer towards a better world. Hope Joe Biden will show the path once again…