The Indian stand is very clear, we shall do such developments in Kashmir, that the people from other side (PoK) which is being occupied by Pakistan shall be willing to get attached with India without a military intervention

Howdy India! The Indian Diaspora in Houston has shown that India has emerged as a strong nation even with burden of a huge population that can be tilted as your advantage. The force behind political consideration for countries across the world which makes them a natural choice to engage with India; be it for electoral and local political consideration or for the human capital gains or for the trade opportunities India -the largest democracy with a huge population can offer to the world. Reasons can be any, the fact remains that India is adorable, investment destination and a responsible nation.
Yes, it was on 22nd September in Houston, which shouted not just Howdy Modi only by Indian Americans, but it echoed Howdy India and sent a strong message across the globe about India being a progressive country and it makes sense to engage with an evolved country with rich civilization. The country which is patient, talented and not regressive to its neighbours, let alone to others; a civilization which has the track record of being a compassionate in others needs, contributed to world peace and stability; opened its economy to the world, making it’s economy adjust with the global slowdown; restraining its army from aggression even when it is taking the hit both from the external as well as internal elements; able to keep the country bonded with such diversity, challenges and vastness.

The India is now being projected as a country making its stride against all the vices it is having- poverty, illiteracy, financial alienation, low employment rate and living standard that is in deplorable state but yes, India is shouting out loud and is saying, see we know all these are our problems and we are working towards it. The message is clear and clean, just do not only have faith on one of the oldest civilization, but check out our actions, and world is watching, it definitely has seen yesterday when Prime minister Modi took the centre stage to a 50,000 strong crowed at Houston NRG stadium in Texas, America along with their President Donald Trump.

We have the right to protect our borders and we shall do so, every country will fight for it, that is what a country is all about and America has spoken yesterday when American President vouched for it that India has the right to protect its border as America will do the same for its own soil. Prime Minister Modi did not lose opportunity to once again reiterate that if anyone is interested about Kashmir, leave it to India, and we shall look after it ourselves. Do not interfere as that is not going to be appreciated. It is our internal matter. And the world agrees even though it is silently watching and it translates to almost agreeing with India. India on the other hand is saying loud and clear- wait and watch, we shall once again make the Kashmir valley a paradise.

What can be a better diplomatic maneuver than to silence the rogue country called Pakistan in the land of its own alley America, where PM Modi makes it clear whether it is 9/11 or 26/11 the perpetrators happens to be found in Pakistani soil. And all the noise by Pakistan about scrapping of Article 370 is evident that Pakistan does not want Kashmir to attain peace and use it as a platform for terror, but India is determined to make Kashmir at par with mainstream India and part of Indian growth.
The lesson for Pakistan which in no uncertain term is being articulated by Modi – take care of your own country, do not meddle in our affairs. A PM (Imran Khan) who had to fly to America with the loan of another monarch, let alone you can take care of Kashmir, Mr. Khan. The Indian stand is very clear, we shall do such developments in Kashmir, that the people from other side (PoK) which is being occupied by Pakistan shall be willing to get attached with India without a military intervention.
The world is listening and watching and we in India also have to walk the talk, match our commitments with actions. Our strength lies in our trade opportunities that we offer to the world and we become more vibrant, peaceful and self regulated country.
Howdy World! India is calling!