Racism does exist in all society be it the developed nations or the underdeveloped, its implications are varied which ultimately hurts the peace of the society thereby affecting the ‘happiness index’

Racism is as old as civilisation, an animal instinct in us human that is the offshoot of a complex which is nothing but the inferiority complex which is falsely understood as a superiority complex. There is nothing called superiority complex, if there exist any complex, it is the inferiority complex.
In animals, it is the survival of the fittest syndrome that makes a species fight and survive on others. Racism in humans is the result of a mindset which is being configured by our society at an early stage of our life which ultimately manifest in the form of racism.
I am Ok, you are Not Ok = Superiority Complex; I am Not Ok, you are Ok = Inferiority Complex; I am Ok, you are Ok = Positive Attitude
Now if this equation is taught to our youths, most of the racism that exists today will traverse to its end, but we tend to shine by making others small. Racism is nothing but a tendency we culture of making others small and thereby thinking that we are becoming big.
Civilisation has moved forward, technology has outsmarted us in many fields, but we still hold the evil systems of differentiation on the basis of language, religion, caste, colour, education and money. These broad biases are the root cause of trouble inculcated knowingly or unknowingly in our head by our parents, family and ultimately the society. Racist and racism are the immaturities of the half-literates.
Racism does exist in all society be it the developed nations or the underdeveloped, its implications are varied which ultimately hurts the peace of the society thereby affecting the ‘happiness index’.
The only way we can move towards a global civilisation is to bring about a balance between needs and necessities; livelihood and rat race; productivity and exploitation; respecting our planet and exploration. The value system and spirituality will lead to a better understanding of life and the religious belief system. We need more value education than scientific knowledge. It is important to become ‘human’ first. The mantra is ‘I am OK, You are Ok’
There is no end to our human needs and wants, resulting in the fight to want the infinity. The question will always at the end stop at, how much do we need…