It is now imperative that mobile internet services needs to be restarted so that the student do not suffer any longer

It is now more than 3.5 months that internet is shut in the state of Manipur for general public even though broadband connection is being restored with some terms and conditions . There is a long wait period for new connection as those who did not have broadband is queuing up for new connection. This also means additional increase in cost to each family that didn’t have broadband and increase in lifestyle cost.
Those who cannot afford are left waiting for the mobile internet to open up without any certainty. When government is questioned about the same the only answer that is given is that internet services may deteriorate the law and order situation of the state.
The state of Manipur is going through a bloody conflict even though some level of normalcy is being observed. After three months of bitter and horrific realities a new sense of realisation is evolving that the state should restart its economy and start a rebuilding process.
To restart economic activity, the first step that needs to be done is to restart mobile internet services so that the students who during the COVID pandemic have shifted to an online based education system can continue to do so. The student’s lifestyle has become a Google lifestyle and for anything and everything they need internet access for gathering knowledge or to cross check references.
It is now imperative that mobile internet services need to be restarted so that the student do not suffer any longer. They have almost gone behind the rest of the country. Those who can afford broadband services or already has a connection are getting comfortable which is creating a peer pressure on other students who does not have a connection at home. Not to mention the common people who just cannot afford or getting a connection is going to take long time. Already long queues are visible in front of internet service providers stores.
Naturally economic activity will also not kick start if we do not have a normal life and what Government fears is that emotions will once again run high with hate speech and visuals of violence taking a viral shape in the social media. Here the only solution is to educate through our social communication system on what to do and what not to do. If we are seriously concerned about our children’s education and our economic activities, then we should shun from falling in the trap of reacting on the social media but rather concentrate on our own life as we were doing pre – May 3rd of this year.
Indifference is the best medicine. Let the conflict take its own political and military shape but we the general public should remain duty bound to our work. If we all are focused on military and political work than we shall be failing on our basic responsibility of fulfilling our daily needs.
It is equally astonishing that voices are not coming out in mass regarding this issue of lifting of internet services and allowing ourselves to suffer. Students and parents should appeal to the Government. We the common man should also start demanding the restoration of internet services as this is almost a fundamental right in today’s digital economy.
But to gain any rights we must understand that with independence we need to be responsible also to enjoy the freedom.
It is high time that Government should consider to lift the internet ban if it is really serious of becoming a self-reliant state. Otherwise we shall always remain a subsidy state and shall never be able to contribute to the National economy let alone survive. No point paining and punishing the general public any more…