Let the local administrations are also made a party to define the parameters of governance and bring about accountability to the grassroot deliverables towards SDGs that we so often speak about in the International forums

Sustainable Development Goals are talked about at the National and International levels with Nations giving commitments to the International Community to adhere and fulfil its commitment. Many countries including India is doing good in terms of achieving the goal post and roadmaps. Which should be done by any developing country as these goals lead to the growth of a healthy society.
The pandemic has taught us one lesson for sure that what is being spoken about at the policy level needs to be implemented at the grassroot level without any lackadaisical attitude as these are the detrimental to future generations. The pandemic has also directed our attention that a disaster or crisis does not look into your social status or your economic class but effects uniformly to the rich or the poor, strong or the weak.
So it is imperative that we speak more about these goals which are often talked around in the confine of Ministries and Five Star Hotel conferences but take it down to the district level engagements. Universities and colleges including technical institutions, these social sciences and International political obligations need to be deliberated amongst the learners and in campus activities. The curriculum should define to the pupil the environmental and societal obligation we carry in our shoulders as a citizen of the world.
‘Taking action’ is the clarion call that society should adopt and what best time is now than keeping it for others to do. Let the local administrations are also made a party to define the parameters of governance and bring about accountability to the grassroot deliverables towards SDGs that we so often speak about in the International forums…