Time to rebuild our economy, and allow our children to attend their academic institutions, people should start attending their offices and business establishments

Manipur has recently seen violence and it’s still continuing in a sporadic manner. Violence is not new to Manipur and it went through decades of long violence and was termed as violence prone state of India. But Manipur with all its sad stories has always pounced back with its rich cultural heritage and a strong commitment to building an educated, spiritual, and economically self-sustaining state. It has produced a number of scientists, doctors engineers, mathematicians, nurses administrators, etc., and given India renowned sports personalities.
So for Manipur to bounce back once again from the recent blow of ethnic divide as well as activism to topple an elected and strong state government by narco-terrorism syndicates, the people will now need to take a strong and committed resolve to re-establish its glory and rebuild the state with more vigour and energy.
Now is the time to support a democratically established government, a government that has no doubt tried to bring in a level of hope and progress equally supported by the Central Government. Centre had given huge attention to Manipur and the same momentum should be maintained.
For any government to function there is a need for a balanced people’s support and what is happening today in Manipur, is some hidden force that is trying to bring down an elected government that was established through people’s franchisees.
This is not the time to react very emotionally but to consolidate the immediate priorities and which should be establishing the law of the land and letting the government do its functions to serve the people. We should not become hostage to the unforeseen elements that want the state to go into permanent chaos. We need to come to normalcy so that the state government can function on its own.
The security forces have to do their own work to consolidate any unlawful activities so that the status quo is maintained and people and their properties are safeguarded. The government has to function under the elected leaders. MLAs need to attend the Assembly and be with their constituents. It is through the dialogue and dialogue only that conflicts can be resolved. Military action will not solve the conflict but rather aggravate the conflict.
At this juncture, social organisations can equally play a pivotal role in maintaining peace and tranquillity amongst all communities and calming down emotions through rational interpretations and communications.
Religious organisations can pray and usher in a sense of peace and progress without any religious connotations to the incidents. At the end of the day, human lives are lost and no religion can justify any death due to catastrophic conflict. Religious organisations can become a bridge to reduce conflict and not add fuel to the fire.
It is now, therefore, time to rebuild our economy, and allow our children to attend their academic institutions, people should start attending their offices and business establishments. The government has already relaxed curfew time and now it is high time the internet should be opened up.
The only fear is that we should not get too emotional with the narrative in social media and shun reacting to each and every toxic statement from social media half-literates.
The rebuilding process is better said than done. Doing is more difficult than saying but it will be the resolve of people that will prove what can be achieved. The process of development that was ushered into Manipur should not be lost to a handful of people who has a different idea of the nation.
Someone recently commented in Imphal, ‘This is not the time for brinkmanship, but this is the time for statesmanship…