Unemployment is a curse for emerging country like India.

Economic un-stability creates hindrance in the sustainability of general public. In case of private sector employees always work under huge pressure. A country like India has the largest constitutions still Government’s attentions towards such major issues (education, health and unemployment) oscillate. It’s undoubtedly matter of shame for both the Government (Central and State) as they started to play a blame-gam
Have you ever tried to understand the psyche of the youth who out of despair had burnt his college degree? Have you ever asked him how he felt after, in spite of his daily try at various organisations, could not manage to get a job?
Unemployment is a burning problem across the length and breadth of our country, but it is more intense in the remote areas as the opportunity of getting self-employed is almost nil. The only option left to a seeker is to get a government job.
The number of educated unemployed increases every year and new job aspirants enter the already overcrowded job market. The situation in the private sector is even worse with lay off etc.
It should be the prime priority of the Government in power to create enough job opportunity for the educated youth. During every election time the problem of ‘unemployment’ becomes a serious issue because the unemployed youths are voters too. Most of the political parties during election, discuss this issue of increasing the stipends to unemployed youths but once the election is over such plans are put in the cold storage. If youth, after spending a considerable amount on his / her studies does not get opportunity to earn it is but natural that he/ she gets frustrated.
The current education policy is such that it neither makes a student genius nor makes him skilful, reduction of job opportunities both in public and private sector has only aggregated the crisis, and a stage has come where a highest degree holder agrees to do a menial job.

Even though the Government of India has said that the NSSO report, citing unemployment rate at 45 year high, was not final, the question still persists that if lakhs of new job opportunity are created why the youths are not getting employed? Why this problem of unemployment does not get required priority in various parties’ election manifestos?