Management needs to understand that they need to provide higher incomes; better working facilities and a peaceful work environment to the employees and employees equally needs to understand the value of being productive and take work place a place of worship and not a place of duty. The synergy will be fantastic and all will be at peace.

Today the 1st Day of May reminds us of holiday but we are often not able to construe the evolution of a productive society vis–a-vis an exploiting society. The tug of war between the powerful and the downtrodden, haves and have-not’s, the backward and forward classes etc. shall be an evolutionary process. Equality issue will be taking its own time to adjust the imbalance we create due to factors already spoken aloud for centuries.
The present day scenario of the equality issue can be solved and the gap can be minimized by evolving a productive environment where the entire stake holder understands the value and importance of co-existence, co-worker, and the framework of a family culture.
Nation and regions cannot grow in isolation and economic development has become the key parameters of the civilized world. Productivity losses, unemployment, income growths are issues that a balanced society and strong will to implement protections to workers can be developed only when there is an Eco-system of ownership among both the workers and management.
Management needs to understand that they need to provide higher incomes; better working facilities and a peaceful work environment to the employees and employees equally needs to understand the value of being productive and take work place a place of worship and not a place of duty. The synergy will be fantastic and all will be at peace.
Coming to the fast pace modern day society, the society of fast race or rat race, the only solution to the demands of the profession, society and family is to give a valued attention to the work-life balance pointers. We need to understand and divide our life between work pressure and body pressure. Work is important and while managing the work pressure, it is equally important to give attention to what the body demands: sleep, nutrition, and the emotional well being.

The work –life balance is talked about in the working class more and people are trying to adjust to the sleeping bomb that we are creating everyday inside us. So what do we do, in one way we have the pressure of performing, ladder to climb, incentives to get, in other way we are increasing our lifestyle woes every day. Average house today needs to minimum spend one thousand rupees on internet data. But a graduate is failing to attract employment, we can blame it to anybody, the reality is not going to change.
The answers to the questions are going to evolve over the period of time. Each one of us will have our plans to strive and survive. My only answer to the young and old is not being complacent with ones responsibilities. One need to identify their own responsibilities, own goals to pursue and most importantly to survive and grow peacefully without misbalancing the human body and family values.

Digital world is taking huge time and today we are engrossed with our virtual friends whereas we are forgetting our own colleagues, friends and family. The need to have an enriched relationship in our work life is to be identified and we should be able to draw energy from our work environment rather abhor it.
We have come a long way from the black days of labour exploitations. Today we are able to identify our rights; Governments have passed laws though the implementation of the law needs more attention. Compliance to protect the interest of employees should come more from the employer side rather from Government. Government can implement the law which it should do with iron hand but an employer will do justice to his own entity if he can look after the well being of its employees.

So, On the day of labours, let us take the vow to value and respect one person sweat and make each entity large or small a temple where we all come to work and achieve. Equally true for the employees that to get your rights one also has to establish his or her right. That can only happen when an employee takes the organisation as his own and thereby reduces many of the organizational stress but enjoys life as a whole.