Although the efficiency of the government in terms of national security and welfare is visible, we have to go a mile including fairness towards the middle class who are never bothered by the politicians

For commemorating the 75th anniversary of Indian Independence Day on August 15, 2022, as Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav with enthusiasm and confidence for coexistence and cooperation (not competition), we must identify and introspect our role in peace, progress, and prosperity of Swarnim Bharat towards 2047. We must perform needo-duties as ‘work is worship and vice versa’ more than the fundamental rights provided in the Constitution of India to improve the position in the World Happiness Index (136th among 150 nations in 2022).
We need to identify the strengths and opportunities for the Indian Knowledge economy with the potential to be Swarnim Bharat in 2047. At the same time, we should enhance concentration with control on weaknesses and threats on daily basis.
To understand, analyze, interpret and draw policy implications for Swarnim Bharat towards 2047 on Independence Day more than a ritual, we must introspect INDIA as Independent, Non-violent (International recognition by UN as Non-violence day on Oct. 2), Democracy (strength or weakness), Integrity ( All Indians including politicians who need to be faithful to the intentions of the will of people) and Amity ( emotions and feelings for relationship management with information revolution without crimes and corruption). We need to rediscover INDIA as Bharat made of two words ‘Bha’ –meaning knowledge and ‘Rata’ meaning devoted as a knowledge seeker and deserves to be known as a knowledge economy where ‘Sarswati’ is equally if not more than ‘Lakshmi is worshipped. Bharat is the only country called India in English dictionaries as an independent nation declared in August.
We need zero tolerance against cybercrimes of ‘Bulli Bai’ kind in which doctored pictures of women are uploaded on social media as the brainchild of perverted-minded criminals. There is an urgent need to strengthen legal provisions so that cyber law can act as a potent deterrent.
For the smooth journey from ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’2022 to ‘Swarnim Bharat’ in 2047, we need the commitment and honesty of the stakeholders including politicians in power and opposition.
Although the efficiency of the government in terms of national security and welfare is visible, we have to go a mile including fairness towards the middle class who are never bothered by the politicians (both in power and opposition). The middle class deserves empathy (not sympathy) for the problems, hurdles, and difficulties faced including inflation.
To face the challenges in all aspects of the Indian economy caused by overpopulation, free-rider problem, insensitivity of the people to the gender issues, terrorism, corruption, all kinds of crimes, discontent, deprivations, and discriminations caused by Greedonomics, there is a strong case for understanding and adopting needonomics ( economics of needs). Peace, progress, and prosperity (3P) of all with visible, immediate, and practical (VIP) solutions to the problems with zero risk calls for experiencing needonomics without any political angle.
All types of deficits such as fiscal, revenue, budget, primary, trade, and above all trust can be addressed by reducing the coefficient of distrust and by saying no to free-rider problems requiring implementing the user pay principle with self-consciousness.

We have to address illness in the behaviour of all the stakeholders as consumers, producers, distributors, traders, policymakers, and politicians. We must develop the soft skills as software of information technology (IT) which is equally if not more important than the hardware of IT. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the need of the day for our survival, existence, and excellence but we must be ready to face its challenges as cybercrimes with alertness, awakening, and awareness. To bridge the gap between the old generation (street smart) and the new generation (over smart), we have to plan a way forward with human values flowing from Gita and Anu-Gita.
For Swarnim Bharat in 2047, we need faith in the capabilities and capacities of Indian youth based on a disciplined needo-lifestyle. For Swarnim Bharat, Indian youth must participate in democracy and governance in tune with National Youth Policy with a changed mindset toward politics as a career. Effective management in all walks of life is a function of effective communication which is a necessary and sufficient skill in the present times to face all kinds of challenges prevailing in the economy.
To reduce the delay in decision-making, we have to learn from Palli -Palli ( jaldi-jaldi in Hindi) culture of South Korea with whom we share Independence Day on August 15 every year.
We need healthy discussions among stakeholders for developing well-structured rules for all the sectors as a sunk cost. We must abolish superfluous laws and change our looks, actions, and words to be the needo-law of the land.
To work without worries for Swarnim Bharat, we need real education as proper, productive, and practical (3P) use of the head, heart, and hands (3H). To promote ethics in the Indian education system towards Swarnim Bharat in 2047, there is a strong case for needo-spirituality as education without ethics is like eyes without sight.
To create demand for the goods and services, there is a strong case for adopting the NAW (Need, Affordability, and Worth) approach to the international marketing of goods and services including education.
Our beloved India possesses the potential to be Swarnim Bharat in 2047 with faith, trust, and confidence without fear (false evidence appearing real) of any kind. To Indianise the global knowledge economy as the vision of Swarnim Bharat, we must identify our role as wisdom warriors. There is a strong case for exporting manpower to foreign land including South Korea with whom we share Independence Day. This is perfectly in tune with the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) wherein natural migration of manpower is encouraged. It is believed by the writer that Indians are poor and unemployed in India only. Indians have proved their worth and potential with a higher emotional quotient (EQ) more than anybody else in the world who so ever got an opportunity.
We must create capacities and capabilities among Indians with spiritual input from Gita and Anu-Gita and move with morality, opulence, victory, and empowerment in a normal mode beyond celebration mode and work without worries (no vibration mode of fear).
Everyone has fingerprints to leave an imprint for the economy to progress towards 2047 as Swarnim Bharat more than celebrating Azadi Ka Amritmahotsav@ 75 by merely hoisting a national flag on every rooftop.
Happy Independence Day!

(The author is former Vice Chancellor and known for Needonomics School of Thought, Kurukshetra.)