AMATEUR RADIO | Scientific activity popularly known as “Ham Radio”

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Any individual above the age of 12 can become an Amateur Radio operator


Sougata Saha, VU3HJZ, Tripura HAM Radio Club

Amateur Radio is a scientific activity popularly known as “Ham Radio”. Amateur (HAM) Radio is both a Hobby activity and a Service that brings people, electronics and communication together. It is an activity of self-learning, inter-communication & technical investigation carried out by duly authorized persons (i.e. Amateur Radio Operators) for a personal aim and without pecuniary interest in other words the term “amateur” is used to specify “a duly authorised person interested in radioelectric practice with a purely personal aim and without pecuniary interest;” (either direct monetary or other similar reward) and to differentiate it from commercial broadcasting, public safety (such as police and fire), or professional two-way radio services (such as maritime, aviation, taxis, etc.). The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) regulates amateur radio service through the Radio Regulations. Since its inception, people have used the radio to talk across town, around the world, or even into space, all without the Internet or cell phones.

On April 18, 1925, the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) was formed in Paris by 25 countries at the International Radiotelegraph Conference. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has recognized the IARU as representing the interests of Radio Amateurs.

Any individual above the age of 12 can become an Amateur Radio operator, no matter what age, gender, or physical ability. Amateur Radio Operators have to qualify in an examination conducted by the Ministry of Communications & IT, Government of India and obtain a license for operating/possessing a Radio Station. The rules and protocols of Amateur Radio in India are enforced by the Wireless Planning Commission of the Ministry of Telecommunication, Govt. of India. A wireless communication network through Amateur Radio is one of the most effective and alternate mediums of communication and can play a significant role in providing reliable communications when other normal communications fail. The skills of the trained amateur radio operator can be used for public service in times of need and emergencies. On numerous occasions, under extreme circumstances, very efficient amateur radio communication and humanitarian assistance were provided by Hams, particularly during COVID-19, Cyclone Fani, Kerala Floods 2019, Uttarakhand Floods 2012, Aila cyclone-2009, Krishna floods-2009, Indian Ocean Tunami-2004, Gujarat Earthquake-2001, Orissa Super Cyclone-1999 and many other natural/man-made calamities in the country.

In a developing country like ours, it is more than necessary to use such technologies, which are not only cost-effective but also maintain a resource of skilled and talented personnel at the village level. Where people themselves can better organise for their local needs which is the main criterion during disasters.

Amateur (HAM) Radio is often used for emergency communications as a means of second line of communication when disasters disrupt normal communication facilities. Amateur radio operators are often called in to support immediate communication needs, coordinating with various agencies working for disaster management. In India, Amateur Radio Network Services are being utilised by the various State Governments as & when required during the State Assembly Election of West Bengal, Tripura Amateur Radio Network was utilised by the Election Commission to cover the mobile phone shadow zone Areas of both the states. For COVID-19 situation management Karnataka State Govt utilises the HAM Radio Communication Network and established a special Control Room at the Civil Secretariat at Bangalore comprising of IIH (Indian Institute of HAM) Amateur Radio Operator for 24 X 7 Communication setup. Amateur Radio Network is also utilised by various State Governments for tracking down quarantine violators during the lockdown period.

During the “Fani Cyclone” in Orissa in 2019, the Orissa State Government also utilised the services of HAM Radio Network. During the Kerala Floods, Kerala State Govt also utilises the services of the HAM Radio Operators of their state and Kerala Amateur Radio Operators voluntarily extend their services to the respective District Administration. Similarly, HAM Radio Network was utilised during Nepal Earthquake, Cyclone Hud Hud, Uttarakhand Floods, Cyclone Aila in West Bengal, Tsunami in A & N Islands, Gujarat Earthquake, Orissa Super Cyclone, Amarnath Yatra calamity near Srinagar, Latur Earthquake, Bihar Earthquake – Dharbanga, Madhubani, Munger, Amreli floods, Gujarat, Diviseema Tidal wave, Krishna District, AP by the respective District Administration of the concerned State Government. Director General of Police & State Police Chief of Kerala Police Department issues advisory N0.15/2021 dated 20/03/2021 vides No.T5/3168/2021/PHQ containing the list of HAM Radio Operators of different Districts of Kerala with instruction to utilise their services in emergent situations in Kerala as a disaster management tool.

During the lockdown, Tripura HAM Radio Club Volunteer 

i) extended  help such as food, and form fill up for availing free transportation services of Tripura Government to the students and patients of Tripura who were struck in various cities in India with the help of Amateur Radio Club of West Bengal, Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, New-Delhi, Guwahati, Maharashtra, Gujarat, 

ii) Doorstep Medicine delivery by our volunteer to every nook and corner of Tripura against the request received through ERSS i.e. 112. 

iii) Prepare masks, and hand sanitiser as per guidelines by THRC Volunteer & Distributed amongst the first responders of our State 

iv) Awareness campaign in different Districts of our State regarding the precautions in c/w the COVID-19 

v) Distributed food items amongst the distressed people of Agartala vi) Free distribution of Arsenicum album 30 homeo medicine to the first responders. For COVID-19 management of Tripura HAM Radio Club a special callsign was allotted by WPC, Ministry of Communication, Govt. of India as AT2THC.

Tripura HAM Radio Club regularly organise classes for preparation for the ASOC exam conducted by WPC, Ministry of Communication, Govt. of India and also provides help to submit the online application to the saralsanchar portal of Govt. of India.

(The Author is a member of Tripura HAM Radio Club and is  pursuing his M.Sc in Cyberforensic at National Forensics Science University (NFSU) Gandhinagar, Gujarat)

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