To begin a new phase in life with fresh zeal and hope in Nav Samvat 2080, we must do soul searching within without a blame game or the war of words with the people around in the society

The Vikram Samvat calendar indicates starting the New Year 2080 from Shukla Paksha’s Pratipada on March 22 of Chaitra 2023. We celebrate this day with enthusiasm and happiness to mark the beginning of the New Year for cleansing the minds more than bathing the physical bodies in Bharat.
We must awaken noble qualities which strengthen needo-love and decline hatred caused by anger and ego. We have to be friendly, humble and honest in all relationships personal or professional.
To begin a new phase in life with fresh zeal and hope in Nav Samvat 2080, we must do soul searching within without a blame game or the war of words with the people around in the society.
We pray for the blessings of the New Year to protect us from every harm throughout samvat 2080. May God always bless us to be calm as calmness within is the throne of God which manifest bliss day and night. May the upcoming samvat 2080 help us fulfil our dreams and provide us with all that brings needo-happiness.

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For avoiding lost in the mire of materialism, we have to diagnose spiritual blindness and become aware, alert and awake of spirituality with the enthusiasm of hope for peace, progress and happiness throughout the Nav Samvat 2080 in celebration mode. We have to be guided by our epics Gita and Anu-Gita in our noble pursuits.
Being the protagonist of Gita-based needonomics, I believe that Kurukshetra with Gyan Mandir is going to be the spiritual capital of the globe for all times to come with the global spiritual environment as a natural environment free from pollution of all kinds and global warming.
We have to be connected to our natural environment not like a fish out of water to be restless. Just as we cannot see our own eyes (except mirror) but see through them, similarly awaken to the thought that I am a soul as part and parcel of the super soul.
It has to be noted that success in material life as self-worth, wealth possessions and positions is a narrow-minded approach towards life, practically failing to gain needo-happiness which should be the objective of life. We must save ourselves from self-destruction strategies with ego and anger causing all kinds of tensions.
To remain in a positive state of mind in Nav Samvat 2080, we have to continue with spiritual practices including reading epics (Gita and Anu-Gita), listening to Swami Googla Nanda of and chanting the holy name of God.