Article 370 was designed to acknowledge the unique circumstances under which Jammu and Kashmir acceded to India. It allowed the state a certain degree of autonomy with its own constitution and the power to make laws accept in areas such as defense, foreign affairs, finance and communications, which remained under the Indian Government’s control

Dr Daisy Parihar
Everyone desires a peaceful atmosphere for their children to study and play. Business owners wish for more customers in their shops, and Shikara owners on the lake hope for an influx of tourists. People envision train tracks, connecting mountains and cities, facilitating easy travel. The abrogation of Article 370 brings this vision closer to reality. Embracing this change with an open heart can lead to improved education, business, a booming tourist industry and enhanced connectivity, all of which contributes to a brighter Jammu and Kashmir. Article 370 of the Indian Constitution was imposed to grant special autonomy to the region of Jammu and Kashmir. This provision was included as a part of the Accession Agreement.
Reasons for its imposition-
Historical context– At the time of India’s independence in 1947, the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir was given the option to join either India or Pakistan. Following an invasion by the tribal militias from Pakistan, the Maharaja of Kashmir, Hari Singh chose to accede to India in exchange for military assistance.
Special autonomy– Article 370 was designed to acknowledge the unique circumstances under which Jammu and Kashmir acceded to India. It allowed the state a certain degree of autonomy with its own constitution and the power to make laws accept in areas such as defense, foreign affairs, finance and communications, which remained under the Indian Government’s control.
Article 370, a provision in the Indian Constitution granting special autonomous status to Jammu and Kashmir has long been regarded as a hindrance to the region’s development. This constitutional provision limited the applicability of laws enacted by the Indian Parliament to Jammu and Kashmir, thereby creating barriers to economic, social and political progress. The region’s unique legal status also discouraged investments and hindered economic growth.
The abrogation of Article 370 in August 2019 marked a significant turning point in Jammu and Kashmir’s journey towards development. With the removal of this constitutional provision, Jammu and Kashmir was integrated fully into the Indian Union, paving the way for the development programs. Post-abrogation, Jammu and Kashmir has witnessed development and its potential for growth. The Central Government has initiated various infrastructural projects, investment schemes and employment programs, aimed at accelerating development, bringing peace and stability in the nation.
Why the abrogation of Article 370 was important?
The argument against the imposition of Article 370 is based on several reasons-
National Integration– Critiques believed that Article 370 fostered a sense of separateness rather than integration. By removing this article, the government aimed to integrate the state fully into the Indian Union, thereby, eliminating any notion of special state and promoting a sense of unity and equality across all states.
Elimination of dual-citizenship– Under Article 370, residents of Jammu and Kashmir had a dual citizenship which gave a sense of alienation.
Constitutional Uniformity– The Article 370 disrupted the legal and constitutional uniformity of India. All the states of India should be governed under the same set of laws and have the same relationship with the Central Government to ensure equality and consistency.
Economic Development–
Investments and growth– The special status was seen as a barrier to economic development. Restrictions on property ownership and investment were viewed as a deterrence to outside businesses and investors. By removing these restrictions, the government hope to encourage investment and create job opportunities in the region.
Development Schemes– With the abrogation, the Central Government aimed to extend National Development Schemes and welfare programs more effectively to Jammu and Kashmir, thus improving health care, infrastructure and education.
Security and Stability– Frequent unrest and insecurity deterred tourists and investors. Now after the abrogation of Article 370, tourists are more attracted towards Jammu and Kashmir as it has become more stable and secure.
Growth in Industries and Trade– The Government has implemented plans to establish special economic zones and industrial parks. These initiatives have led to significant growth in the trade and manufacturing sectors.
Infrastructure Development–
Roads and Transportation– The Government has invested heavily in the construction and improvement of roads, railways and airports. Enhanced infrastructure not only promotes economic growth, but also improves the overall quality of life for residents.
Water supply and electricity– A lot of improvements have been made in the energy and water management sectors. New power projects and water supply schemes have been introduced, enhancing the living standards of the people.
Education and Healthcare Services– New schools, colleges and universities have been opened and existing institutions have been upgraded. In healthcare, new hospitals and health centers have been established, providing better medical facilities to the people.
Empowerment of Women and Youth– Special programs and schemes are being implemented to empower women and youth. These initiatives aim to provide better educational and employment opportunities and promote entrepreneurship, thereby improving the economic status of women and young people in the region.
Cultural preservation and Heritage Conservation– Efforts have been made to preserve and promote the rich culture heritage of Jammu and Kashmir. Cultural festivals, exhibitions and events are organized to celebrate the region’s diverse cultural heritage and promote tourism.
Temporary Nature– Originally intended as a temporary provision, critiques believed Article 370 outlived its intended purpose and the situation that necessitated its inclusion in the constitution change over time, making the provision obsolete.
Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development- The special status limited the flow of capital and hindered the implementation of central laws.
We should understand the importance of abrogation of Article 370 and recognize its benefits for future generations and development. The removal of this provision seems a step towards greater national integration, ensuring that Jammu and Kashmir is fully integrated with the rest of India, and it gives a sense of unity. It also paves the way for uniform, legal and constitutional governance across all states, promoting equality and consistency. Economically, it opens up the region to investments, previously which was hindered by restricted regulations, politically it contributes to a more peaceful environment. In the long run, these changes are expected to bring about greater social and economic progress, ensuring a brighter future for the people of Jammu and Kashmir and strengthening the nation as a whole.
Anyone who argues against the abrogation of Article 370 should understand that the common person desires safety, security, food, a stable livelihood and a better future for their children.
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