The principles of Swami Vivekananda are simple to follow, unique in approach and most importantly, they are bound to keep the youth humble and grounded in this materialistic age

Today marks the birth anniversary of the great monk Swami Vivekananda Ji. His staunch belief in the principle that ‘service to mankind is service to god’ inspires and influences millions even today.
His “sisters and brothers of America…..” speech through which he introduced Hinduism at the Parliament of the world’s religion in Chicago in 1893 will always remain etched in history. His valuable contributions to Indian nationalism often goes unnoticed but the role he played in the revival of Indian nationalism during the height of British rule was remarkable. It is perhaps a fitting tribute that the great Swami Ji’s birthday is celebrated as National Youth Day every year in our country, which has almost 50 per cent of its population below the age of 25.
But it would be more meaningful if the youth of today actually learn, and apply the principles and ideas of Swami Ji in their actions and thoughts. It is absolutely vital for the youngsters of our country to put love for the nation above all other interests. Only then will good deeds follow.
The principles of Swami Vivekananda are simple to follow, unique in approach and most importantly, they are bound to keep the youth humble and grounded in this materialistic age.

(Writer is the founder Secretary of Manipur Thinkers Forum, an independent think tank based in Imphal, and also former State General Secretary & Vice President of BJP Manipur Unit. At present State Spokesperson of BJP Manipur Unit and Chairman MDS)