We can extend empathetic support and encouragement to others in hardship and share the pain

Being a needonomist, I wish to justify needo-leadership in the journey of legacy in the academic leadership of Starex University Gururgram founded with a well-defined vision and mission by S. Mohinder Singh Ji-our beloved Chancellor, a remarkable leader as Edu-entrepreneur and businessman having footprints in a foreign land at Frankfurt (Germany).
Lifelong learning leader -To be a needo-leader in academics, one has to be a lifelong learning leader with a capable and positive mindset, curiosity and a don’t know the mindset. Academic leaders value learning and encourage people to experiment and share their ideas. Academicians who understand the relevance of diversity and different perspectives for finding solutions might not have seen otherwise. To step into a leadership role is not the beginning or end of leadership but the next step in the leadership journey.
Listening is an art of leadership– One has to become a good listener. It has to be noted that hearing and listening is not the same as while hearing mind may be closed whereas mind may be open but heart closed. It is pertinent to mention that knowledge speaks and wisdom listens to others. In a one-to-one maiden meeting with the Chancellor on June 15, 2021, I was given to understand ‘Believing is Good but Control is Better’ as the first sermon with strong convictions which I am practising in daily routine.
Loving the team to work with– I have learnt to love the team of people with caring concern to work in harmony from S. Mohinder Singh Ji, a real yogi who reaches the campus early in the morning to monitor the entire work in progress. The ‘morning meeting’ earlier offline in the office of the Vice-Chancellor and now online has emerged as a healthy practice at Starex University is the brainchild of our chancellor.
Living a Legacy– I have learnt to live a legacy of lifestyle from S. Mohinder Singh Ji who hosted a very expensive dinner at JS Marriot where I observed his style of eating worth learning by us. I am enjoying my living in the spacious bungalow with facilities of fitness and excellent bathing which I enjoyed in Oregon (USA) during my first visit in 1983 when I stayed in American Rotarians homes with such facilities with inspired living by thinking beyond self with an altruistic mindset like S. Mohinder Singh Ji. I am always inspired by his work and lifestyle added with spiritual input and communication skills in English.
Leavening a Legacy– To leave a legacy behind with footprints of academic leadership has become my goal in life based on my learning, listening, loving and living skills (5L) from my beloved Chancellor Sir who is street SMART ( simple, moral. Action-oriented, responsive and transparent) person with vision and mission having motto ‘ Nunc Est Samper ( Now is forever) ’. To follow in the footsteps of the founder Chancellor is the moral duty of all of us in a family of Starex. An individual human being like S. Mohinder Singh who treats his team members equally write his own history and leave the legacy behind. The objective of equality is to enable and empower people to be authors of their own lives. To teach a lesson to someone, one should do better than the best instead of becoming an opponent.
To consolidate the thoughts with clarity and commitment, we must have smart goals to be written in front where visible all the time. Never leave the work for tomorrow. To reinforce my commitment to leaving a legacy behind, I recall again and again my first meeting with Chancellor Sir on June 15, 2021. I believe, perhaps, we have relationship since past birth for mutual understanding as brothers.
Being truly academic friendly persons, we promote people who are academically sound, honest and hardworking. To leave something of immense value for future generations, we should root our actions in the spirit of solidarity. We should give strength to get strength in all relationships (personal or professional). We can extend empathetic support and encouragement to others in hardship and share the pain. Certainly, we can expand circles of security and hope as virtuous cycles.
To gain some flowers for me, I have to work without worries on my goal of leaving a legacy behind handed over by a great Chancellor S.Mohinder Singh Ji. I am motivated to do more work with learning to turn everyday activities into opportunities for creativity. I have developed faith that only authentic and honest content writing leaves a legacy of its own. Bringing change in self as a legacy is the goal of my life. By believing in investing in education giving maximum return, I am committed to adding value in the journey of legacy in the academic leadership of Starex University Gurugram. I am determined to perform the journey of life by leaving footprints with a legacy behind.
* The writer is Vice-Chancellor Starex University, NH-48 Delhi-Jaipur Binola Gurugram122413 www.starexuniversity.com
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