Morality is the character that one can attain only by self. Morality is the name of the real self

To become soul-winner more than world winner, we need to live with morality and self-respect in Nav ( Vikram) Samvatsar 2078 beginning on April 13, 2021. We have been ignoring morality in the rat race of supremacy. We are ignoring morality everywhere leading to the degradation of society. Morality means understanding right as right and wrong as wrong. The three monkeys of Mahatma Gandhi rightly explain the relevance of morality in terms of not to see bad, not to speak badly, and not to hear bad.
Gita, my guru, the heart of Krishan gives features of a moral person in terms of fearlessness, simplicity, pure mind, nonviolent, sacrifice, lack of finding faults in others.
The epics, theories, sermons, lectures, literature, discipline can provide the philosophy of life and not moral conduct. Morality is the character that one can attain only by self. Morality is the name of the real self. The imagination of heaven and hell by the sears and saints prevails in human life in present times. The life of a human being with morality provides satisfaction, peace, and prosperity. The moral life is simple living and no thinking is the real symbol of dharma. No thinking does not mean that we should not think but think of those things which are in our control and forget about things beyond control which is the message of Gita as one has the right to actions and not results.
Becoming moral means a progressive, peaceful and prosperous society which is the need of the present times of the covid era. We should walk step by step which gives faith and self-confidence to use infinite power lies within us. We can do altruism with light within as morality. We should control desires with a strong mind and rationality for needed happiness in life to be called needohappiness.
Happy Nav Samvat 2078!