May Krishan give us strength and inspire us to face all the problems in life with great courage and convictions

The birthday of Lord Krishan (Janmashtami ) is celebrated on the eighth day of the Hindu month of Bhadrava Ashtami. The epic ‘ Bhagvatam’ defines Krishan as a Purna Avatar (complete incarnation). Krishan is true-self, ever perfect with no ups and downs or mental disturbances. Krishan went down to the level of a human being just as a policeman goes undercover dressing as a thief to catch a thief.
On seeing people devoid of dharma (greedy, grabbing and accumulating wealth, hurting others, wasting time, no charity and altruism), we can understand Krishan to awake Bhakti, Gyan, and Karma (true spirit). Worship is love towards one’s goal for elevation.
Krishan Janmashtami is to be utilised as a holiday by all of us with faith. A person fasting on Janmashtami will always gain health, wealth, peace, progress, and prosperity. It is believed that Krishan Janmashtami fasting is much more powerful than Ekadashi fasting.
It is pertinent to mention that the incarnation of Krishan signifies the end of all darkness and the eradication of evil from the earth. Fasting is an important Vedic tradition followed by devotees around the world. The fasting on Janmashtami has spiritual implications with positivity on all the devotees. The significance of fasting is that it brings the soul closer to Krishan as God which falls in the domain of spiritual mathematics (1+1=1). Janmashtami fast is associated with the attainment of salvation. We have to strive hard for becoming the best version of the self. Silence fasting is the first step in spirituality.
We should be indebted to Krishan for speaking Gita from his own mouth as pure to the purest Ganga coming from the feet of Vishnu. Our every aspect of life (devotion, dedication, diligence, and strategy) is influenced by Gita as the heart of Krishan. We need to understand and adopt Gita as ism neutral treatise on management and welfare economics with lessons for everyone as consumer, producer, distributor, and trader. To move on the ladder of success in every aspect of life with morality, opulence, victory and empowerment, we have to believe that Lord Krishan and Arjun is with us. This is the crux called Eka Sloki Gita, the last sloka out of 700 slokas in the 18th chapter.
As words in any book about science, art, or social science are comprised of letters (a to z) as the foundation, the same way, Bhakti (worship) is the foundation of every path of life. The continuous and constant remembrance of Krishan as God is called Krishan Bhakti. It stands as a trickling stream within our hearts. Gradually Bhakti grows to become forceful filling our hearts and overflowing.
To fade away the impurities, let us worship. Our love becomes divine with consciousness. We can learn many lessons from the life of Krishan as prasad (the blessed offering of god). Life is ‘maha prasad to be accepted and welcomed by imbibing the spiritual principles in life. Experience mahatma’s life through the heart as a knower of the self. Imbibe the spirit of sacrifice and equal vision in our own life. This will fill our lives with happiness and peace in others life too. Krishan appeared in the world with a smile and left with a smile. Life to be loved is the best teaching of Krishan. We have to learn to welcome and accepting all experiences both good and bad with a smile to be happy and peaceful.
May Krishan give us strength and inspire us to face all the problems in life with great courage and convictions. May Krishan always is with us to protect. We pray Krishan to steal all our worries and give us happiness on the holy occasion of Janmashtami. We must love and bring laughter in our lives with enlightenment for real empowerment to serve humanity.
(Professor M.M. Goel is the Vice-Chancellor and Founder Needonomics School of Thought)
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