
< 1 - minutes read |

Resilience from Solitude…

Jay Sur

Resilience from Solitude…


© _____ j a y ✏️ s u r

In the brocade

of silken life

threads mesh

weaving a story of

love and loss…


like delicate petals

unfold in the

garden of memory



but never forgotten…

In the embrace

of connection

we find solace

we find meaning

we find

ourselves reflected

in the eyes of another…

But time

relentless in its march

pulls us forward

tugging at the threads

that bind us together…

And so

paths diverge

hearts part ways

leaving behind echoes

of what once was…

Yet in the spaces

between goodbye

and hello

there is growth

there is renewal

there is the promise

of a new beginning…

So we release our grip

on what could have been

and embrace

the uncertainty

of what lies ahead…

Unraveling and sifting

of one chapter

lies the potential

for infinite stories

yet untold…

In the quiet moments

of our past reflections

we find strength

in the echoes

of the past

guiding us toward

the horizon

of possibilities…

With each step forward

we carry with us

the lessons learned

the memories cherished

and the hope

for what is yet to come…

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