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Surfing the Memory Lane of Books

Jay Sur

Surfing the Memory Lane of Books

In a corner stands a bookworm’s throne,
Once vibrant with tales now left forlorn,
Eyes once eager now lost in a screen,
The world of books is a fading dream…

Pages turned golden, memories embossed,
In a rack where stories once joyously crossed,
Bookmarks peek out a subtle plea,
“Remember the worlds you used to see…?”

Devices dazzling may come and go,
Yet books endure, their tales still grow,
Their spines may crack, their covers worn,
Inside the pages, timeless magic is reborn…

Years drift by, screens dictate the pace,
Wisdom once deep now a fleeting chase,
The gazes at the shelf with a wistful sigh,
Will those books still paint the dark sky…?

A touch, a whisper, a long-lost friend,
The pages yearn to live their glory again,
Will the old flame spark rekindle anew,
Or the screens obscure obsolete view…?

The books await yet their tales untold,
Stories of warmth of nights grown cold,
Can the heart that’s swayed by digital light,
Rediscover the depth of serene night…?

Fingers linger, a moment’s enclasp,
Recalling the joys, heartaches and grasp,
Of laughter and tears within those leaves,
Adventures and dreams, mind still believes…

In the digital glare, mired with silent debate,
Between fleeting bytes and tales innate,
The mobile shines with instant gleam,
But books mumble of a deeper dream…

Racks stand patiently through years of dust,
With wisdom ancient, stories fair and just,
Waiting for the day the screens dim,
And the reader returns, following a whim…

Will we rediscover vibrancy again,
Of words that sing and set minds free,
Or will the screens continue to bind,
A once avid reader’s curious mind…?

Only time and touch will summit the tell,
If the bookworm breaks the placid spell,
Will the lost glory reclaim its grace,
Or will the screens forever take its place…?

Every book is a portal, a gateway grand,
To lands untouched by mere human hand,
Their pages jaundiced, yet vibrant inside,
Waiting for hearts to once more collide…

The story persists, the question is clear,
Will the reader, once so avid and dear,
Return to books, embrace their call,
Or let the screens forever enthrall…?

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Join the Conversation

  1. Excellent expressions , wonderful topic ,deep meaning and call to get back to books make this poem extraordinary. One request is that ,if possible keep background color light so that text could be easily read.

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