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Cascaded Colour Drops

Jay Sur

Cascaded Colour Drops

After an elongated wait
the rains dribbled at convex,
a scorching summer
and sweltering humidity
made things more complex…

As rain cascaded
and lashed on outgrown,
why am I seeing them
full of color drops
a kaleidoscope of hue and tone…?

Drops from every corner
every hue and tone,
every form and feature
yet all of them alone…

Blending red with blue creates purple
mixing green and blue forms teal,
stir the palette endlessly
new shades will soon reveal…

Drops can’t choose their vibrance
nor their shimmering sheen,
pick a hue or any tint
each one bright and keen…

Imagine all the spectrum colors
yearning to merge as one,
the brilliance of unity found
vibrance echoing under the sun…

Be lavender, chartreuse,
zaffre, phlox or aquamarine,
moulding into any shade,
any form or glow you dream…

Drops tend to converge together
in rivers, lakes and streams,
bound by organic forces
yet free within their dreams…

Each color paints a picture
a canvas vast and opulent,
life’s drapery diverse and grand
a symphony in every variant…

Be it vivid or muted drops
life is encore born again,
nectar for every living being
after the soothing, mollifying rain…

Life seems so placid again
with harmony amply regained,
drops from every edge together
joy is awfully sustained…

Like shimmering drops of color
the pool of happiness is made,
life now bursts with vibrant hues
a garden where dreams cascade…

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