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The Enigmatic Mind

Jay Sur

The Enigmatic Mind

Existence of the mind,
else considered scientifically,
no organ in the human body
is called the mind.
Yet, under its influence,
we perform every task…

This question echoes amidst,
repeatedly resonates within,
what’s the existence of our mind?

Victorious in our triumphs,
defeated in our losses,
mind is the foundation
of our existence,
its mysteries unfathomable,
its ways incomprehensible…

As if riding a horse,
we, mere passengers,
traverse the world,
in fleeting moments….

What’s the mind,
and its existence?

The brain can capacitate
to think and understand,
the heart pumps blood
throughout the body,
but the mind,
an invisible force,
drives us relentlessly…

Is the mind a supernatural power,
controlled by someone else?

This same mind prompts
good and bad deeds,
our senses subservient,
enslaved by five vices…

Though intangible,
mind’s existence is palpable,
it’s presence, undeniable,
its influence, pervasive…

The mind, an enigma,
wrapped in consciousness,
a force unseen,
yet deeply felt…

What’s the mind’s existence?
A rider of thoughts,
a shaper of dreams,
a sculptor of reality…?

In victory and defeat,
in joy and sorrow,
the mind is
our constant companion,
our silent guide…

What’s the mind’s existence?
A question that lingers,
a mystery that endures,
a truth that evades…

In the quiet of night,
it whispers secrets
and shouts doubts.
In the bustle of day,
it plans futures
and replays pasts…

The mind is an expanse,
where fears and hopes collide,
where love and hate coexist,
where every thought takes form,
and every emotion finds a voice…

What’s the mind’s existence?
A labyrinth of neurons,
a galaxy of synapses,
or a universe within…

It is the birthplace of ideas,
the forge of desires,
the canvas of our imaginations…

The mind, a vast ocean,
with depths uncharted,
with waves that crash,
and tides that turn…

What’s the mind’s existence?
A journey unending,
a question forever unfolding,
a riddle we live,
but may never fully solve…

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