We should respect their work because they are like other people who do work and they earn their livelihood by doing their work

We all recognise and realise the suffering of poor, many people also help them to lessen their suffering but how many of us show our respect towards them?
Because we have seen them doing such work which our society considers it as lower or disrespectful work. But do we ever realise the importance of their work in our life? And why I am saying this you know because if there are no people who will clean the drains, then what will happen? In a few days, the drains will block due to the garbage. If there were no people who will grow crops, then how we will get food. If there were no people who will sell fruits, vegetables or they were no small shops or roadside fast food shops, then realise how much we have to suffer, it is true that these things are now available in Malls or in online but do every person have the money to go to the mall for this shopping or do every person have the knowledge of online shopping? No, they don’t have. If there were no people who will do the work for your household, then in our busy life how much it will be difficult for us to manage the professional and household work together.

Many people even though realise their importance but often no one gives them the respect which they deserve. We give respect to those people who are rich or who are doing high-level jobs or doing other kinds of jobs which are considered respectful jobs in our society. It is absolutely true that the more the knowledge one person has the more respect people will give them or the more the bank balance they have. But it is also absolutely wrong when people disrespect the work of labours, farmers and other backward jobs or these people do we ever realise that every work has its own importance, I just told you that what will happen if there are no people to do these type of work and it means that we should give those people their desired respect.
We should respect their work because they are like other people who do work and they earn their livelihood by doing their work.

So, I think that as we realise their importance we should also respect them as we respect other people because they are also doing their job on the basis of their talents. The type of works they do also need a lot of talent because many of us may not be able to do the kind of job these people do.
It is my humble request to all of us that the next time when we look at them and talk to them please give them their desired respect……

Anwesha is a student of Class VIII, Silchar Collegiate School, Silchar, Assam and loves to write. She had bagged a prize in the recently held online essay competition by Assam Police. Congratulation to her. Her blog https://diyaopinions.blogspot.com