We should always keep in mind that everyone has the right to pray to their God in their own way

‘Religion is regarded by the common people as true ,by the wise as false and by the rulers as useful’.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Earlier, I have written a few words about our motherland. Today,I am going to share some more thoughts about it. What to say and what not to say about India. If I spend my whole life, then also I can’t able to complete a book about India.
There are some bad calibres and some good calibres in India. Earlier, I talked about good ones. Now, I am going to tell you about the bad ones. We, the Indians, fight on religious issues. It is that we should respect our own religious beliefs and it is also true that we should also respect other beliefs. We sometimes try to classify intruder and terrorist on the basis of religion and try to prove that if the persons belong to a particular religion do like this, then all persons of that religion are like this only. This kind of summary of confusion is not desirable.
There are very few who respect other religions along with their own belief. The way how one religion praises their God may be different from other religion. But we should always keep in mind that everyone has the right to pray to their God in their own way. Rules in religious observations are made on the basis of beliefs and not on the basis of scientific experiments. So, differences are obvious. The way of submission to God in one religion may be something that is not given in the rule of or not allowed by the rules in other religions. All have the right to perceive God in their own way. Someone believes that God is within the sculpture, someone believes that it is within every person. So, allow everyone to pray to God in their own way and don’t put boundaries on them. And, never give the politicians the chance to acquire a vote on the basis of religion. Even if someone doesn’t believe in God, then also never persuade that person to believe in God.
In short, it means to let everyone to live peacefully and comfortably with his/her own belief or disbelief.