How funny are political games? ‘Good’ and ‘bad’ are alternatively used as levels depending on opportunities

It is very astonishing that our political parties can change their point of view for any person or idea or opinion in a blink of an eye. I have seen that politicians can change their minds in a minute. When they belong to a party they glorify their thinking so much but the moment they leave the party, they start condemnation against the party and even say that this party did many scams in their times and start glorifying the opponent party whom they joined. They had castigated the party they joined when they belonged to the party they left. I have seen that political parties can change their thinking for a person if he/she leaves the old party or a person who has entered their party. To be in power, they need the majority of MLAs and to save their MLAs, they sometimes put them in hotels or resorts or in other private places, so that opposition party can’t buy their MLAs or if they feel that their chair can go. But did the public elected the party and their MLAs to stay in the hotels or to do the work for the people? If they stay in a hotel, then who will hear the complaints of the people or who will complete the promises which they have written in the manifestos for which the public has elected them?
Whenever these things happen, the main persons who suffer are the public. The political parties and politicians can change their point of view for a person frequently. If the person stays in their party, then they will say that the person has done much work for the public. But at the moment they shift to another party, then the same person is said to have done nothing for the public.
The politicians other than elected representatives, also do the same thing. This story is the same for all the parties. It is absolutely true that the thinking of a person can change. It may happen that the person earlier used to support one principle or idea. But after working with that for a long time his experience may lead him to think differently. Alternative ideas or thoughts may be stronger in his mind. But it is very funny when they say that his earlier party is corrupted as soon as he leaves.
If his earlier party is really corrupted or has not done any work, then why did he associate with it or supported such a party so long?
It is not going to happen that in a single day a person or a party can be corrupted, they must have done many scams earlier also. Why didn’t this person raise his voice against that party or that politician? It shows a very straightforward message that if such people change their party then the old party becomes corrupted, and the new party he joined becomes free from all misdeeds or failure. But it seems logical that he was once corrupt or inactive as he worked with the members of his earlier party. This also happens when they join another party. The party he shifts to appears ‘ideal’,’pure’ and ‘serene’ one to him within less than a day.
How funny are political games? ‘Good’ and ‘bad’ are alternatively used as levels depending on opportunities.