It is necessary that women should develop strong self-esteem, learn the skills of self-defence and take a stand for their rights and point of view

Most women are kind, soft-hearted and sacrificing in nature. It is true, but it is also true that some of the women don’t behave in such a way or behave differently. Because every person is different in their way. In our mythology, we have seen and learnt that when the men lose or can’t do anything it is the power of the women which help them to win and change the lost one also in their favour. They have been described as the idols of strength, courage, braveness, kindness and love. But many a time people underestimate or don’t realise the strength of a woman. In today’s world, though the situation of women has changed a lot in society still today they aren’t allowed to live such freely as men. If they go out at night, they have to face a lot of questions. They are always objected to and questioned about their dressing and behaviour and many more. Now, they make an objection to such kind of discriminatory behaviour upon them.
We, all, say that in today’s modern world women have got a lot of freedom and rights but today also directly or indirectly they have to face many restrictions. Women are mild in nature but if someone disrespects them, they can become dangerous in nature. Many women are silent. But to become silent, doesn’t mean they are weak, timid or don’t know to take a stand for themselves. It just means that they are peace lover, they don’t want any kind of clash. The thinking of people though is changing but there are still those people who have such rubbish attitude that the girls have to be mild, they shouldn’t argue, they should be understanding, they should be cooperating and have to agree with other’s thinking, should listen to others. And if by chance any girl does not lie in the criteria then this kind of people start a discussion about her and try to make her stand that she needed to like this or that.
But instead of judging the people, it is the fault of the women that they allow others to do this. If they themselves are not able to take their stand with determination then how will other people stand by them? They need to gather the courage to face those people who misbehave with them or don’t talk properly or do any type of comments on their body and dress. They should not allow anybody to dominate them or shut down their voice. They should also not allow anyone to do any kind of physical harassment on them.
To conclude, it is necessary that women should develop strong self-esteem, learn the skills of self-defence and take a stand for their rights and point of view.
Then, one day all women should have equal freedom as men.

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