Gita is the panacea for all the ills in society. Happy New Year!

To welcome 2021 with the strengths and immunity developed in 2020 when test positive became the most negative word, we have to be aware, alert and awake (AAA) for the opportunities in New Year with a positive outlook for atmanirbharta and all kinds of challenges. To manage these challenges, we should be ready to work without worries (www). Honest efforts have to be made towards atmanirbharta (dependence on soul) based on Gita with social outcomes for all. Understanding of the soul is real knowledge. We can enjoy solitude more than a festivity of the crowd is the lesson for coping covid crisis by following health protocol of WHO. We have to adopt user-pay principle and reduce the dependence on free goods and services from the government which is likely to face the financial crunch of huge dimensions.
To reduce if not remove discriminations, deprivations, discontent and distrust in a democratic development (6D), we certainly need civic and civil society. We need to change our looks, actions and words (LAW) to make it the real law of the land more than the legal safeguards envisioned in the Constitution of India with all its amendments.
We need real education which means proper, productive and practical (3P) use of (3H) head (intelligence quotient), heart (emotional quotient) and hands (manpower with the dignity of labour) with the honesty of purpose. We have to change our traditional values with new values in INDIA as independent, nonviolent, democracy with integrity and amity as our vision and mission after covid (AC) known earlier as after Christ.
We need to respect time. A Latin adage ‘The head of time has hair in the front and is bald on the back’ If we catch hold of the front hairs we will catch hold of time. But if we allow time to go ahead, there is no power which can catch hold of time. It is clear from this adage that time is wealth which has no price but real value. We can regain the wealth and save it from uncertainties and risks in covid crisis but lost time never comes. We have to treat time as a lifesaving drug which must be used judiciously for the development of skills and training for the survival, existence and excellence in all walks of life. To understand time, we need to learn its uses in seconds. We don’t work when we have to work and do not enjoy our weekends which are meant for leisure and pleasure. We need time management with responsiveness in all walks of life. It is no use of beating the bush and repent when the time has lost.
To change the fortunes of our people, we need to learn marketing skills more than production as now we are capable of producing anything on earth. To enhance productivity in agriculture, we needed rain harvesting, use of solar energy more than blame game and war of words with the government. We need to reduce transport costs.
We need to take small steps to think big, dream big and act big. Let us push all the buttons to safeguard the environment and revive the sentiments among all the stakeholders.
We have to celebrate the occasion with some introspection in 2020 and some resolutions for 2021. We have to recognise the merits of every individual around us in the society be rewarded. We have to resolve to enrich our knowledge and experience in 2021.
We have to enhance the marginal propensity to decide (MPD) which is necessary and sufficient condition for increasing marginal propensity to save (MPS) and marginal propensity to invest (MPI) and reduce marginal propensity to consume (MPC), the basic economics under the domain of Needonomics (Economics of Needs).
To move forward we need to resolve to-do list, not to do list with a sense of commitment for the true self as a soul without fear as the death rate is zero in this case. The death rate is 100 per cent if one considers oneself as a body. We have to be fearless and live life without the panic of covid crisis.
We have to improve our responsiveness by adopting within 24 hours, 07 days, one month and one year model for respective services with citizen charter. Consistency in quality and excellence with no variations is the need of the hour for coming up to the expectations of the stakeholders. We need to identify engines of socio-economic life during the covid crisis and thereafter.
We have to grow the number of Indians as peace seekers. We are required to desire, want and demand peace, progress and prosperity with spiritually guided materialism ( SGM) strategy based on needonomics which is ethical, nonviolent, spiritual and environment friendly.
We have to remain dignified in thinking and working with full faith in our strengths. We need to keep an eye on our weaknesses also. We are to identify opportunities for proving our worth as a true Indian. We need soul searching with continuous monitoring and evaluation for preserving the dignity of Indians in the world.
We have to start with positive mind-set. We still have to learn many things for which we have to strive and struggle. We have to learn to accept the relationships as they are and learn more about true self as the soul with jubilant spirit in the New Year 2021. Gita is the panacea for all the ills in society. Happy New Year!

Professor Dr. Madan Mohan Goel is Former Vice Chancellor and Kurukshetra based Needonomist.