We, Indians are entitled to take pride in the fact that our country happens to be the youngest country in the world as we possess the world’s largest youth population which is our the most valuable asset with more than 50% of its population below the age of 25 years and more than 65% below the age of 35 years. Another salient feature of our parliamentary Democracy is the people’s staunch belief in the system and strong commitment for electing a stable Government

The country at this point of time is galloping towards Electoral Fest 2024. Election schedule has since been announced. Voting would take place in seven phases. Results shall be declared on 4th June paving way for the new Govt being put in place for the best of governance and achieving new milestones in national progress and prosperity. Democracy in India is the largest by population in the world. As compared to the rest of the world, ours is the most stable and the matured democracy. It has exponentially grown and developed right from 1951-52. Over all these years people of Bharat have actively participated in the elections with tremendous enthusiasm and have exhibited needed maturity in changing the Governments from time to time to befittingly deal with the challenge at hand. We, Indians are entitled to take pride in the fact that our country happens to be the youngest country in the world as we possess the world’s largest youth population which is our the most valuable asset with more than 50% of its population below the age of 25 years and more than 65% below the age of 35 years. Another salient feature of our parliamentary Democracy is the people’s staunch belief in the system and strong commitment for electing a stable Government .
Significant role of first time Voters
Our young voters possessing huge energy, positive motivation and confidence are welcome to the democratic fest. It will not be fair to brand them as novice lacking proper understanding of the tricks of politics and the relevance of the whole cumbersome process of electing people’s representatives to form a strong and confident Government to ensure overall prosperity of the masses and catapult nation to the dizzy heights. Youth if properly organised, enlightened and well directed, they can work wonders and generate the needed positive change across the national horizon. It has been seen and experienced during the period of extreme crisis when the country was subjugated by the powerful and tyrant aggressors. At that critical moment, our youthful colts came out in droves to counter and neutralize the onslaught of the perpetrators of horrific crimes and their diabolical designs.
Our history and scriptures are replete with fascinating, inspiring and daring deeds of young warriors. War of Mahabharata would have never been won, if little Abhimanyu had not volunteered to enter into deadly Chakarview of Kaurav Sena put in place by Guru Dronacharya despite the fact that the young warrior lacked mastery to safely exit from the aforesaid killer formation of Army. He was brutally and unethically killed by seven top fighters of Kaurav Army and saved that critical day together with Yudishtara being defeated and captured to end the war as planned by the wily Kauravas. Similarly when young blood like Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev,Rajguru,Chander Shekhar, Pandit Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashfaq ullah khan and numerous others took a quantum jump into the ongoing struggle for freedom, it infused vigour and vitality into this massive national blitzkrieg which frightened and shook the alien empire from the roots creating fear in their mind that now on it will be too difficult to rule India and in consequence thereof they had to quit on a prompt and hurried note.
Clear cut roadmap for novice voters
Ours is a pluralistic society wherein people of various hues and colours live together peacefully pursuing their own social and religious faiths in perfect harmony. It will also be relevant to say that that our parliamentary democracy has also graphically matured over the years. Likewise major chunk of our young voters may be suitably educated whereas others may not be adequately learned in the system and may find themselves vulnerable to exploitation and unhealthy plus undesirable and immoral practices being resorted to by the crafty and tricky politicians. Therefore, in the circumstances when the very substantive Electoral festival is on the anvil, the first time electors must stick to the under mentioned roadmap while deciding to cast your vote in favour of the candidate of your first choice:-
*Judiciously make a critical analysis and assessment of performance of the incumbent ruling party without prejudice and not falling prey to exploitation.
*The first and foremost responsibility shall be to ensure that they get enrolled as voters, for the new comers it would be a very thrilling and momentous occasion to cast their vote for the first time to elect a responsible and a performing Government.
*The moral and the national duty of the upcoming generation does not finish here. Being young and jovial, vigilant and concerned about the national progress and prosperity, it would be incumbent upon them to engage themselves in educating and enlightening all other common folks to properly and diligently exercise their franchise in the ensuing electoral festival for electing good candidates and the party with proven credentials to strengthen the vital and essential components for comprehensive development of the nation such as Robust Economy, powerful army equipped with global standard armaments, minimal poverty, mutual understanding and tendency of working and moving together in the right direction plus competent and dynamic leadership.
* Nation first is the buzz word which has capacity and magical power to generate the needed positive change, follow it dutifully. No nation in the world has reached the pinnacle of glory and attained the status of Super Power only on the basis of Infrastructural Development but by virtue of unflinching and unshakeable commitment to nationalism.
* First time youthful voters can be the potent game changers, stay determined to elect your political representatives who can rule, perform and deliver without mincing words. Any Govt elected by dint of our concerted efforts shall need to focus on following significant components :- 1. Communal harmony which is still lacking. 2. Enlightenment and cultivation of cultural values in the families for the desired results. 3.Environment:- We are heading towards appalling environmental crisis , therefore , it needs be addressed on priority vis-a-vis on going development 4. Turn focus on Swadeshi products of daily use to boost national economy. 5. Be a disciplined citizen:- Remember this is possible only if we transform into a ethically disciplined citizen. Trust we can do it.