Karimul Haque fondly known as “ambulance dada” speaks to Sanchita Basu of KRC Times on his life, ambition and mission to serve the humanity

Face-off with Karimul Haque.
Qs. 1. With the conferring of the Padmashri Award, you are acknowledged by all. How would you like to see yourself further?
I was unaware of what Padmashri Award is or how much respect it is for anyone to be conferred with the award. So, I am unaltered and the same person as before. True this award has encouraged my work further to a wider space. The award has given strength to have a hospital in my village area, improve the infrastructural facilities at the Sub-divisional hospital in the nearby region. There is an effort of drawing the attention of the government towards it. Some of the renowned private hospitals and nursing home authorities of the country have come forward.

Now, I am able to help the patients in critical conditions to reach these places for better treatment. I also keep in mind about the expenses involved in treating such patients, so I created a digital laboratory in my own house. People not only from my area but also from other neighbouring villages are immensely benefitted from this. People from around five to seven villages also come to avail the digital testing facility. Health camps are organised twice a month in the village. These 20 remote villages where there are no health facilities reaching out to them is the core intention of Manab Seva Sadan.
Q2. As an awardee of Padmashri do you think that you should take more responsibility towards the development of society?
The service that provided through me needs to be widespread and just not remain confined to a village or region but reach out to other parts of the country. In many remote villages, there is still no facility for even a roadway. My family members are also involved and decided to dedicate themselves to serve the critical patients. With the Padmashri award expectations of the people in and around is growing with time. In order to meet the expectations of people, there should be an overall awareness and social development that is the reason I tried to include my family members into it. So true are the words, “Charity begins at home”.
Q3. For the development of the society in all aspects, what emphasis have you given towards it?
A hospital needs fund to get developed. For a better and equipped hospital facility it requires a lump sum amount of 40 lakhs approximately. After, receiving the Padmashri Award I started the initial work of constructing the hospital with the sum which patients’ family used to provide me. The hospital is also provided with the ‘Diagnosis’ facility. I have the intents of building the hospital for a wider level of development in the society. I did not take rest in my journey and also have built eight Primary Schools in my area which provide the basic education to the children. The children are the future, if one can shape them with proper education then only a successful development in a wider scale is possible. For in the remotest villages where the father and mother both are working the children mostly are neglected. I think that these children should be educated for their better future. I include the women of the villages to teach these children. Honestly, Padmashri has widened the doors for me to serve the people.

Q4. In what other ways do you perceive to shape the future of the society with your service?
Let it not be thought only, I feel it is a need for society. There was an acute scarcity of drinking water in my remote village Dholabari and in the surrounding 20 villages. To solve this issue a US-based Bengali scientist has extended his support. Dholabari and the forest areas of Baroghoria region people now are getting water supply in abundance. Each of these two villages is getting 20 thousand litres of water. This has been possible with that American scientist’s help. Even, there has been an initiation of building an Old Age Home for the helpless elderlies of society. Instead of remaining dependent or waiting for government help, I already with the support of my well-wishers and many other NGO s have pioneered the interest and paved the way. The overall development of society is my only aim.
Sanchita Basu, a journalist, poet and photographer