I write on my daily experiences with books, places, people, movie, events, sports and photography etc.

National Geography Kids

This October 2021 edition of National Geography Kid has tons of facts. There are some really awesome, crazy, weird, and funny facts. Like it has some very awesome facts about pumpkin, for example, humans have been growing pumpkin for over more than 10,000 years and pumpkins are made of 90 percent water.
It covers a wide variety of topics like Ghost of the sea, the universe, bat myths busted. Let’s start with ghosts of the sea, well, beluga whales are called ghosts of the sea because of their white color! That interesting right!
Like I said it has tons of facts some facts of ghosts of the sea are, the round fatty part of beluga whales forehead is called the melon, and beluga whale’s babies are born gray or even brown but within five years they will be white.
If I start to say all the facts that have in this book it would be off 10 to 12 pages. In the end, I would like to say it is a great book and I would like to give it a 9.8/10
Tinkle Holiday Special

This Holiday special Tinkle was awesome. It has many word games, wordplay, trivia questions, maze, YBTD, facts, pun-a-thon, and many fun activities.
It was very fun reading this book as it has many fun stories of Suppandi, defective detective and Shambu the Shikari, etc.
It has a great book cover like it’s amazing! In my opinion, it is one of the best Tinkle comic books I have ever read and I give it a 10/10

Krish Gupta is a student of Class VI, Delhi Public School, Silchar. Krish can be connected in FB (managed by his parents) https://www.facebook.com/KrishGupta30
(Note from KRC Times: Students who are interested in publishing {subject to acceptance of the Editorial decision} their articles, video contents, photographs, etc in the Students’ Corner segment of KRC Times can write to Krish Gupta, Co-ordinator, Students’ Corner, KRC Times. email: kbjgupta@gmail.com)