58 Railway stations of NE Frontier Railway provided with free Wi-Fi services

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Free Wi-Fi services to passengers are being provided under ‘RailWire’ brand- the retail Broadband initiative of RailTel. In the last month alone, the total user logins were 2.35 crore in1600 stations across India.


As many as 58 railway stations of North East Frontier Railway have been provided with free Wi-Fi services for the passenger.

Free Wi-Fi services to passengers are being provided under ‘RailWire’ brand- the retail Broadband initiative of RailTel. In the last month alone, the total user logins were 2.35 crore in1600 stations across India.

Inspired by the vision of Digital India, Indian Railways and RailTel created a plan to transform stations into digital inclusion platform by providing fast free public Wi-Fi at stations. 

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