6th Bhadreswar Bodosa & Girendra Sharma sub-junior all Assam inter district hand ball championship begins at Maibang in Dima Hasao

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This championship is organised by Dima Hasao Hand Ball Association and Dishru Cultural Club under the aegis of N C Hills Autonomous Council and Assam Hand Ball Association

Anup Biswas

The 6th Bhadreswar Bodosa & Girendra Sharma sub-junior Assam inter district handball championship begins at Maibang in Dima Hasao on Friday. This championship is organised by the Dima Hasao Hand Ball Association and Dishru Cultural Club under the aegis of N C Hills Autonomous Council and the Assam Hand Ball Association.

The day’s program started with the offering of a floral tribute to the portrait of the late Bhadreswar Bodosa who was the inspiration for many in Dima Hasao not only in the field of education but also in sports and social reforms.

Today’s inaugural session was attended by Ranu Langthasa, Chairperson, NCHAC as Chief Guest, Ratan Jarambusa, EM, wife of Bhadreswar Bodosa, Amal Narayan Patowari, president, Assam Hand Ball Association, Ashok Langthasa, President DCC, Monjoy Thaosen, Jagir Khan, DSO, and prominent persons were also present as guests of honour and special invitees.

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Altogether 21 districts along with 25 members including officials will take part in the championship which will continue up to December 11. This championship is being organised here at Maibang after 10 years. Talking to the media Monjoy Thaosen said that this tournament is encouraged by the NCHAC for sports development in the district. He also appreciated the AAHBA for the support.

Amal Narayan Patowari, President of, AAHBA appreciates the NCHAC CEM Debolal Gorlosa, Minister of Nandita Gorlosa, and all the EMs and other people for supporting AAHBA for organising such a grand event at Maibang. Earlier, all the guests were felicitated with traditional ‘rihsa’.The inaugural session was addressed by Ranu Langthasa, Ratan Jarambusa, and others.

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